GLOBE Bulletin

September 05, 2000:
India Joins GLOBE!

The GLOBE Program welcomes India as the Program's 93rd partner country. Officials from India's Ministry of Environment and Forests and the United States embassy just signed the bilateral agreement in New Delhi.

"India's joining this programme is expected to provide the students of our country with innumerable and fascinating investigative opportunities to actually explore the environment...," said a statement from India's Ministry of Environment and Forests. "Integration of such practical science investigations into our existing solid science curriculum will not only increase student achievement in science and math, but also lead to enhancement of environmental awareness, scientific inquiry and understanding," the statement continued.

"The extensive use of computers, the Internet and other advanced aspects of information technology in the GLOBE program, is a further bonus which will benefit our students and school tremendously," the Ministry said.

Albert A. Thibault, Charge d' Affaires ad interim, at the U.S. Embassy; and Rajeev Kher, Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Environment and Forests signed the official bilateral agreement.

Initially about fifty schools in India will launch GLOBE programs, the Ministry reported. GLOBE in India is to be headquartered at the Ministry in New Delhi. Officials said the program will be expanded each year as it generates interest and gains popularity among students, teachers and scientists.

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