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OSM Seal Administrative Law Judge Decisions (ALJs)
1978 - Present
This is the Office of Surface Mining's Library of Administrative Law Judge Decisions (these files are currently being posted on the web and additional decisions will be added in the near future). These decisions are from the Interior Department's Office of hearings and Appeals (OHA) which adjudicates disputes arising from the enforcement of the Surface Mining Law. There are currently has nine Administrative Law Judges who hear all cases in which a hearing on the record is required under the Administrative Procedures Act. Administrative Law Judge Decisions that are appealed are heard by the Interior Board of Land Appeals (IBLA) and other appeal boards. For copies of appeal decisions and other information regarding the Office of Hearings and Appeals, see www.doi.gov/oha.

For additional information about this Library and related issues, contact Ron Tarquinio at rtarquin@osmre.gov or phone at (202) 208-2882.
Note: we are in the process of loading these files, the active links below are the years available, others will follow shortly.

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Office of Surface Mining
1951 Constitution Ave. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20240