OSM Seal Office of Surface Mining
Fact Sheets Archive
1/15/97 - 5/8/03
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For many years the Office of Surface Mining distributed FACT SHEETS that provided information about Title IV and Title V grants and identified a state person for additional information about the grant and how it was used. The FACT SHEETS were released to the public on the day grants were awarded and were the public announcement forum for regulatory and abandoned mine land reclamation grants to the states. They are provided here in an archive format for the years 1997 - 2003. FACT SHEETS for the years prior to 1997 are no longer available.
FACT SHEETS are also listed on each state index page.

5/8/03 OSM awards Kansas $1,960,000 Abandoned Mine Land Fund grant
5/8/03 OSM awards Kansas$1,965,000 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
5/8/03 OSM awards Kansas $111,191 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
4/30/03 OSM awards Crow Tribe $62,102 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
4/17/03 OSM awards Pennsylvania $26,186,170.00 Abandoned Mine Land grant
4/17/03 OSM awards Louisiana $165,322.00 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
4/17/03 OSM awards Alabama $35,000.00 for Small Operators Assistance
4/17/03 OSM awards North Dakota $1,643,013.00 Abandoned Mine Land Fund grant
4/16/03 OSM awards Louisiana $98,715.00 Abandoned Mine Land Fund grant
4/15/03 OSM awards Crow Tribe $394,419.00 Abandoned Mine Land grant
4/15/03 OSM awards Wyoming $18,325,188.00 Abandoned Mine Land grant
4/10/03 OSM awards Louisiana $330,644.00 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
4/10/03 OSM awards Oklahoma $932,893.00 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
4/9/03 OSM awards Iowa $1,732,851.00 Abandoned Mine Land grant
4/9/03 OSM awards Colorado $2,138,000.00 Abandoned Mine Land Fund grant
4/3/03 OSM awards West Virginia $23,138,421.00 Abandoned Mine Land grant
4/2/03 OSM awards Arkansas $1,515,000.00 Abandoned Mine Land grant
4/2/03 OSM awards Alabama $3,896,107.00 Abandoned Mine Land Fund grant
4/1/03 OSM awards Indiana $1,918,700.00 grant
3/27/03 OSM awards Colorado $930,677.00 grant to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
3/27/03 OSM awards Maryland $255,704.00 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
3/26/03 OSM awards Texas $2,788,850.00 Abandoned Mine Land Fund grant
3/26/03 OSM awards Indiana $5,333,998.00 Abandoned Mine Land Fund grant
3/21/03 OSM awards Alabama $591,082.00 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
3/21/03 OSM awards Pennsylvania $11,384,310.00 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
3/1/03 OSM Awards Texas$1,495,192 AML grant
2/20/03 OSM awards North Dakota $1,643,013 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
2/20/03 OSM awards Wyoming $10,980,000.00 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
2/13/03 OSM awards Colorado $900,000.00 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
2/11/03 OSM awards Utah $600,000.00 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
1/28/03 OSM awards Texas $516,247.00 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
1/28/03 OSM awards Indiana $657,733.00 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
1/22/03 OSM awards Arkansas $147,512.00 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
1/15/03 OSM awards Alabama $340,475.00 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
1/6/03 OSM awards Virginia $1,500,000.00 AML grant to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining

12/18/02 OSM awards Colorado $1,000,000 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
(NOTE: Fact Sheets from 6/25/02 - 12/18/02 are unavailable)
6/25/02 OSM awards Montana $3,736,665 for Abandoned Mine Land Program
6/19/02 OSM awards Illinois $10,093,413 grant for Abandoned Mine Land Program
6/19/02 OSM awards Illinois $2,773,954 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
6/19/02 OSM awards Missouri $1,850,591 for Abandoned Mine Land Program
6/19/02 OSM awards Missouri $505,153 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
6/6/02 OSM awards New Mexico $3,536,930 for Abandoned Mine Land Program
6/6/02 OSM awards New Mexico $715,787 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
6/6/02 OSM awards Utah $1,763,318 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
6/6/02 OSM awards Utah $1,736,309 grant for Abandoned Mine Land Program
6/5/02 OSM awards Alaska $182,455 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
6/5/02 OSM awards Alaska $1,525,000 grant for Abandoned Mine Land Program
5/30/02 OSM awards Northern Cheyenne $26,564 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
5/24/02 OSM awards Wyoming additional $1,981,144 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
5/23/02 OSM awards Wyoming $1,963,230 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
4/25/02 OSM awards Crow Tribe $72,832 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
4/25/02 OSM awards Kentucky $12,794,104 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
4/25/02 OSM awards Louisiana $189,483 grant to regulate surface effects of coal mining
4/17/02 OSM awards Kansas $1,965,000 for Abandoned Mine Land Program
4/17/02 OSM awards Kansas $125,114 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
4/15/02 OSM awards Navajo Tribe $435,450 regulatory development grant
4/15/02 OSM awards Hopi Tribe $168,849 regulatory development grant
4/4/02 OSM awards Pennsylvania $24,718,981 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
4/4/02 OSM awards Louisiana a $99,758 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
3/28/02 OSM Awards Texas $197,694 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
3/27/02 OSM awards Pennsylvania $11,380,931 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
3/21/02 OSM awards Virginia $5,441,704 for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
2/28/02 OSM awards Crow Tribe $550,551 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
2/26/02 OSM awards Wyoming $28,659,989 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
2/21/02 OSM awards Alabama $265,107 for Small Operators Assistance
2/7/02 OSM awards North Dakota $1,679,202 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Projects
1/31/02 OSM awards Iowa a $1,417,015 grant for Abandoned Mine Land Program
1/31/02 OSM awards Alabama $3,994,925 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
1/25/02 OSM awards Maryland $2,012,011 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
1/24/02 OSM awards Colorado $2,650,000 for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
1/23/02 OSM awards Oklahoma $1,092,164 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
1/17/02 OSM awards Arkansas $1,515,000 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
1/15/02 OSM awards Maryland $493,551 to regulate surface effects of coal mining
1/8/02 OSM awards Virginia $3,383,539 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining

(NOTE: Fact Sheets from 6/8/01 - 1/1/02 are unavailable)
6/7/01 OSM awards Montana $3,972,187 for abandoned mine lands program
5/24/01 OSM awards Wyoming $1,977,811 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
5/24/01 OSM awards Montana $961,707 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
5/22/01 OSM awards North Dakota $486,822 to regulate surface effects of coal mining
5/10/01 OSM awards Utah $1,564,267 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
5/9/01 OSM awards Louisiana $189,484 grant to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
4/26/01 OSM awards Crow Tribe $63,522 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
4/26/01 OSM provides Louisiana $103,711 grant to fund state AML program
4/16/01 OSM awards Navajo Tribe $433,263 regulatory development grant
4/2/01 OSM awards Kentucky additional $528,316 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
4/2/01 OSM awards Hopi Tribe $167,460 regulatory development grant
4/2/01 OSM awards Pennsylvania $37,763,485 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
3/13/01 OSM awards Indiana $5,478,744 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
2/28/01 OSM awards Crow Tribe $588,870 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
OSM awards Wyoming $28,820,712 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
2/26/01 OSM awards West Virginia additional $245,859 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
2/8/01 OSM Awards new Mexico $3 million for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
2/2/01 OSM awards West Virginia $224,916 for Small Coal Operators Assistance
2/1/01 OSM awards Pennsylvania $2,565,874 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
2/1/01 OSM awards Oklahoma $1,813,135 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
2/1/01 OSM awards North Dakota$1,806,390 grant for abandoned mine land projects
2/1/01 OSM awards Colorado additional $42,000 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
2/1/01 OSM awards Alabama $3,807,353 grant to fund abandoned mine land emergencies
2/1/01 OSM awards Alabama $55,107 for Small Operators Assistance
1/23/01 OSM awards Iowa a $1,773,353 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
1/23/01 OSM awards Texas $1,497,816 to regulate surface effects of coal mining

12/08/00 OSM awards Colorado $1,804,452 in regulating surface effects of coal mining
11/21/00 OSM awards Indiana $1,805,358 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
11/10/00 OSM awards Alabama $987,837 to regulate surface effects of coal mining
11/10/00 OSM awards Arkansas $146,588 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
091900 OSM awards Northern Cheyenne Tribe $25,985 to regulate surface effects of coal mining
8/23/00 OSM awards Alabama $3,407,353 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
8/21/00 OSM awards Hopi Tribe $401,791 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
8/21/00 OSM awards Colorado additional $270,000 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
6/23/00 OSM awards Ohio $8,248,776 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
6/23/00 OSM awards Ohio $1,438,580 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
6/15/00 OSM awards Kentucky $17,168,631 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
6/13/00 OSM awards Alaska $1,525,000 for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
6/13/00 OSM awards Alaska $148,116 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
6/13/00 OSM awards Utah $1,533,595 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
6/13/00 OSM awards Utah $1,666.000 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
6/8/00 OSM awards Kentucky $420,588 for Small Operators Assistance
6/8/00 OSM awards Missouri $1,751,149 grant for Abandoned Mine Land Program
6/8/00 OSM awards Illinois $10,031,430 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
5/30/00 OSM awards Wyoming $1,540,643 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
5/30/00 OSM awards Wyoming additional $477,136 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
5/23/00 OSM awards Crow Tribe $82,291 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
5/16/00 OSM Awards Hopi Tribe $130,230 regulatory development grant
5/16/00 OSM Awards Navajo Tribe $373,263 regulatory development grant
5/16/00 OSM Awards North Dakota $466,725 to regulate surface effects of coal mining
4/27/00 OSM Awards Kansas $2,068,383 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
4/27/00 OSM Awards Kansas $107,164 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
4/24/00 OSM awards Utah $406,808 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
4/19/00 OSM awards Alabama $259,269 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
3/31/00 OSM awards Virginia $5,232,911 for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
3/29/00 OSM awards Pennsylvania $26,648,924 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
3/28/00 OSM provides Texas $4,334,575 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
3/28/00 OSM provides Louisiana $98,611 grant to fund state AML program
3/23/00 OSM awards Mississippi $109,628 grant to regulate surface effects of coal mining
3/15/00 OSM awards Louisiana $193,544 grant to regulate surface effects of coal mining
3/15/00 OSM awards Indiana $6,154,872 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
2/29/00 OSM awards Crow Tribe $856,618 grant for Abandoned Mine Land program
2/29/00 OSM awards Kentucky $12,760,571 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
2/8/00 OSM awards West Virginia $26,497,435 million for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
2/8/00 OSM awards Maryland $477,333 to regulate surface effects of coal mining
2/3/00 OSM awards Wyoming $26,420,580 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
1/27/00 OSM awards North Dakota $1,600,000 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands projects
1/26/00 OSM awards Oklahoma $1,707,924 grant for Abandoned Mine lands Program
1/20/00 OSM awards West Virginia $114,160 for Small Coal Operators Assistance
1/19/00 OSM awards Texas $1,441,853 to regulate surface effects of coal mining
1/19/00 OSM awards Oklahoma $937,715 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
1/19/00 OSM awards Arkansas $1,515,000 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
1/18/00 OSM awards Iowa additional $1,664,317 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
1/3/00 OSM awards Colorado $2,000,000 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands program
1/3/00 OSM awards West Virginia $7,517,645 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining

12/21/99 OSM awards Colorado $1,640,906 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
12/17/99 OSM awards Virginia $3,122,571 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
12/16/99 OSM awards Indiana $100,000 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands program
12/9/99 OSM awards Arkansas $157,713 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
12/9/99 OSM awards Indiana $1,775,176 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
12/8/99 OSM awards Alabama $913,745 to regulate surface effects of coal mining
10/22/99 OSM awards Illinois $400,000grant for Abandoned Mine Lands program
10/21/99 OSM awards Crow Tribe $185,800 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands program
09/28/99 OSM awards Utah additional $31,793 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
09/15/00 OSM awards Alabama $3,380,020 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands program
09/14/99 OSM awards Iowa $111,184 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
09/08/99 OSM awards Kansas $105, 102 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
09/02/99 OSM awards Colorado $300, 000 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands program
09/01/99 OSM awards Colorado $63,000 to fund Dutch Creek Flume Civil Penalty Project
08/13/99 OSM awards Illinois $2,282,102 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
8/3/99 OSM awards West Virginia $40,000 for Abandoned Mine Lands project
7/29/99 OSM awards Kansas $105,102 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
7/28/99 OSM awards Indiana $404,916 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
7/9/99 OSM awards West Virginia $419,088 for Small Coal Operators Assistance
7/7/99 OSM awards Hopi Tribe $914,202 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands program
6/23/99 OSM awards Illinois $9,550,884 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands program
6/23/99 OSM awards Missouri $2,007,776 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands program
6/23/99 OSM awards Kentucky $16,330,076 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands program
6/23/99 OSM awards Utah $1,472,300 to asst in regulating surface effects of coal mining
6/23/99 OSM awards Utah $1,567,544 grant to fund Abandoned Mine Lands program
6/23/99 OSM awards Alaska $1,718,408 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands program
6/23/99 OSM awards Alaska $173,461 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
6/17/99 OSM awards Ohio $7,769,767 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands program
6/16/99 OSM awards Kentucky additional $728,944 for Small Operators Assistance
6/10/99 OSM awards Northern Cheyenne Tribe $25,985 to regulate surface effects of coal mining
6/2/99 OSM awards Indiana $100,000 grant to fund Will Sevin Civil Penalty project
6/2/99 OSM awards Colorado $63,000 to fund Dutch Creek Flume Civil Penalty project
6/2/99 OSM awards New Mexico $1,980,674 for Abandoned Mine Lands program
6/2/99 OSM awards New Mexico $593,976 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
5/27/99 OSM awards Mississippi $115,960 grant to regulate surface effects of coal mining
5/27/99 OSM awards Montana $890,483 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
5/27/99 OSM awards North Dakota $473,539 to regulate surface effects of coal mining
5/27/99 OSM awards Wyoming $1,511,005 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
5/27/99 OSM awards Ohio $82,715 for Small Operators Assistance Program
5/20/99 OSM awards Montana $3,637,239 for Abandoned Mine Land Program
5/20/99 OSM awards Hopi Tribe $130,024 Regulatory Development Grant
5/20/99 OSM awards Navajo Tribe $311,700 Regulatory Development Grant
5/13/99 OSM awards Utah $450,000 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands project
5/12/99 OSM awards Kentucky additional $120,786 for Small Coal Operators Assistance
5/6/99 OSM awards West Virginia $21,327,071 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands program
5/6/99 OSM awards Kansas $1,910,363 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands program
5/5/99 OSM awards Ohio $1,296,657 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
5/5/99 OSM awards Pennsylvania $10,399,980 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
4/22/99 OSM awards Crow Tribe $82,291 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
4/13/99 OSM awards Louisiana $168,919 grant to regulate surface effects of coal mining
3/30/99 OSM awards Virginia $5,310,000 for Abandoned Mine Lands program
3/25/99 OSM awards Ohio additional $400,000 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands program
3/24/99 OSM awards Maryland $1,294,054 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands program
3/17/99 OSM awards Texas $403,088 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands program
3/17/99 OSM awards Indiana $2,746,203 grant for Abandoned Mine Land program
3/11/99 OSM awards Colorado $200,000 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands program
3/11/99 OSM awards Alabama additional $263,804 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands program
3/2/99 OSM awards Crow Tribe $523,831 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands program
2/26/99 OSM awards Pennsylvania $21,626,714 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands program
2/18/99 OSM awards Alaska $239,632 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands program

7/14/98 OSM awards Crow Tribe $1,652,548 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
7/9/98 OSM Awards West Virginia additional $ 150,000 for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
7/7/98 OSM awards Oklahoma $ 231,188 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
7/7/98 OSM awards Maryland $25,000 for Small Operators Assistance
7/2/98 OSM awards Ohio $1,400,240 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
6/30/98 OSM awards Alabama additional $77,210 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
6/25/98 OSM awards Kansas $98,117 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
6/25/98 OSM awards Iowa $129,060 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
6/25/98 OSM awards Missouri $436,015 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
6/25/98 OSM awards Missouri $1,571,901 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
6/25/98 OSM awards Illinois $140,000 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
6/25/98 OSM awards Montana $3,742,599 for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
6/24/98 OSM awards Pennsylvania $325,000 grant for Small Operators Assistance program
6/18/98 OSM awards Ohio $6,887,380 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
6/9/98 OSM awards Kentucky additional $ 5,750,000 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
6/9/98 OSM awards West Virginia Additional $12 million grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
6/4/98 OSM awards New Mexico $ 1,656,009 for Abandoned Mine Lands projects
6/4/98 OSM awards New Mexico $ 637,699 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
6/4/98 OSM awards Crow Tribe $ 114,239 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
6/2/98 OSM awards Montana $ 895,318 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
5/26/98 OSM awards Alaska $1,525,000 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands program
5/26/98 OSM awards Hopi Tribe $100,000 grant for water quality improvement project
5/21/98 OSM awards Alaska $173,580 to Assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
5/14/98 OSM awards Utah $1,500,000 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
5/14/98 OSM Awards Wyoming $1,494,863 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
5/13/98 OSM Awards North Dakota $500,207 to regulated surface effects of coal mining
5/13/98 OSM awards Kansas $1,965,000 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
5/13/98 OSM awards Iowa additional $30,148 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
5/13/98 OSM awards Ohio $70,000 for Small Operators Assistance Program
5/12/98 OSM awards Navajo Tribe $316,476 regulatory development grant
5/12/98 OSM awards Hopi Tribe $35,000 Abandoned Mine Lands grant
5/7/98 OSM awards Hopi Tribe $136,390 regulatory development grant
4/28/98 OSM awards Utah $1,460,206 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
4/21/98 OSM awards Missouri $503,520 grant for Abandoned Mine Land Program
4/15/98 OSM awards Kentucky additional $5,750,000 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
4/9/98 OSM awards Pennsylvania additional $125,000 for small operators assistance
4/1/98 OSM awards Louisiana $191,146 grant to regulate surface effects of coal mining
3/31/98 OSM awards Mississippi $132,072 Grant to regulate surface effects of coal mining
3/31/98 OSM awards Texas $415,305 grant to administer Abandoned Mine Lands Program
3/25/98 OSM awards Pennsylvania $10,810,597 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
3/25/98 OSM awards Utah $250,000 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
3/24/98 OSM awards Indiana $4,468,500 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
3/24/98 OSM provides Louisiana $170,097 grant to fund state AML program
3/18/98 OSM awards Pennsylvania $20,103,367 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
2/27/98 OSM awards West Virginia $900,000 for Small Coal Operators Assistance
2/24/98 OSM awards Kentucky $1,000,000 for Small Operators Assistance
2/19/98 OSM awards Wyoming $22,804,396 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
2/18/98 OSM awards Navaho Tribe $9,262,180 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
2/4/98 OSM awards Oklahoma $1,500,000 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
2/4/98 OSM awards Indiana $466,816 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
1/30/98 OSM awards Alabama additional $400,000 for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
1/30/98 OSM awards West Virginia $24,703,204 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
1/22/98 OSM awards Crow Tribe $181,075 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
1/22/98 OSM awards Maryland $586,167 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
1/15/98 OSM awards North Dakota $1,620,539 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
1/15/98 OSM awards Pennsylvania $2,130,973 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
1/15/98 OSM awards Ohio additional $21,937 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program

12/30/97 OSM awards Colorado $2,315,108 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
12/30/97 OSM awards Colorado $1,633,954 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
12/23/97 OSM awards Kentucky $13,094,373 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
12/23/97 OSM awards Maryland $538,519 to regulate surface effects of coal mining
12/23/97 OSM awards West Virginia $7,505,455 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
12/18/97 OSM awards Alabama $769,358 to regulate surface effects of coal mining
11/13/97 OSM awards Navajo Tribe $175,379 Abandoned Mine Land grant
11/13/97 OSM Awards Hopi Tribe $28,000 Abandoned Mine Lands grant
10/9/97 OSM awards Indiana $420,000 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
9/26/97 OSM awards Tennessee $80,000 for Abandoned Mine Lands project
9/26/97 OSM awards Tennessee $170,000 for Abandoned Mine Lands project
9/26/97 OSM awards Kentucky $181,836 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
9/26/97 OSM awards Kentucky $50,015 for small coal operators assistance
9/25/97 OSM Awards Mississippi $34,060 to regulate surface effects of coal mining
9/25/97 OSM Awards Ohio $3,000 grant for electronic permitting initiative
9/25/97 OSM Awards Iowa $149,411 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
9/24/97 OSM awards Kentucky $100,000 grant for Wild Branch Mine Reclamation Project
9/23/97 OSM awards West Virginia $16,000 grant for electronic permitting initiative
9/19/97 OSM awards Kentucky $179,350 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
9/19/97 OSM awards Kentucky $7,000 for electronic permitting initiative
9/19/97 OSM awards Maryland $28,125 to regulate surface effects of coal mining
9/16/97 OSM awards Alabama additional $100,000 for Abandoned Mine Lands program
9/16/97 OSM awards Kentucky $225,000 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands projects
9/12/97 OSM awards Kentucky $50,000 grant for AVS compatibility study
7/29/97 OSM awards Ohio $1,234,186 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
7/9/97 OSM awards Ohio $9,294,408 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
7/2/97 OSM awards Hopi Tribe $331,812 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Reclamation Program
6/26/97 OSM awards Montana $3,678,305 for Abandoned Mine Lands projects
6/25/97 OSM awards Hopi Tribe $200,000 Abandoned mine Land grant
6/25/97 OSM awards Missouri $1,500,000 grant for Abandoned Mine Land program
6/25/97 OSM awards Alaska $1,525,000 grant for Abandoned mine lands program
6/25/97 OSM awards Illinois $2,322,002 to assist in regulation surface effects of coal mining
6/25/97 OSM awards Illinois $9,139,227 grant for Abandoned Mine lands program
6/25/97 OSM awards Missouri $449,324 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
6/25/97 OSM awards Indiana $1,813,205 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
6/24/97 OSM awards Crow Tribe $62,500 grant for Abandoned mine lands reclamation program
6/24/97 OSM awards Alaska $171,753 to regulate surface effects of coal mining
6/19/97 OSM awards Montana $860,973 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
6/19/97 OSM awards North Dakota $487,783 to regulate surface effects of coal mining
6/13/97 OSM awards Kentucky $6,257,269 grant for abandoned mine lands program
6/12/97 OSM awards Pennsylvania additional $166,064 for small coal operators assistance
6/11/97 OSM awards New Mexico $1,636,066 for abandoned mine lands projects
6/11/97 OSM awards New Mexico $673,287 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
6/10/97 OSM awards Utah $1,500,000 grant for abandoned mine lands program
6/10/97 OSM awards Utah $1,390,948 grant to regulate surface effects of coal mining
6/4/97 OSM awards Pennsylvania $1,200,000 for Small Coal Operators Assistance
5/29/97 OSM awards Mississippi $30,224 to regulate surface effects of coal mining
5/29/97 OSM awards Northern Cheyenne Tribe $29,915 to regulate surface effects of coal mining
5/28/97 OSM awards Colorado $115,000 to fund Dutch Creek Flume Civil Penalty Project
5/22/97 OSM awards Montana $25,000 grant for abandoned mine land projects
5/22/97 OSM awards Maryland $70,000 for small operators assistance
5/20/97 OSM awards Kansas $1,950,000 grant for abandoned mine land projects
5/20/97 OSM Awards Kansas $112,666 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining
5/8/97 Hopi Tribe awarded $114,680 to develop tribal surface mining program
5/7/97 Navajo Nation awarded $376,023 to develop tribal surface mining program
4/30/97 OSM awards Crow Tribe $79,383 to Regulate Surface Effects of Coal Mining
4/30/97 OSM awards Alabama $325,000 grant to fund Clean Streams Project
3/26/97 OSM awards Indiana $5,235,303 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
3/19/97 OSM awards Ohio $125,000 for Small Coal Operators Assistance
3/10/97 OSM awards Colorado additional $19,639 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
2/26/97 OSM awards Pennsylvania $20,355,071 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
2/26/97 OSM awards North Dakota $1,970,665 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
2/26/97 OSM awards Crow Tribe $37,500 grant for Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Program
2/19/97 OSM awards Wyoming $22,020,872 grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
2/13/97 OSM awards Navajo Tribe $3,959,930 Grant to fund Abandoned Mine Lands Program
2/7/97 OSM awards West Virginia $22,505,684 Grant for Abandoned Mine Lands Program
1/30/97 OSM awards Pennsylvania $2,261,674 abandoned mine lands grant
1/29/97 OSM awards Ohio $500,000 grant for abandoned mine lands emergency projects
1/23/97 OSM awards West Virginia $1,000,000 for small coal operators assistance
1/16/97 OSM awards Alabama $300,000 grant for AML emergency program
1/16/97 OSM Awards Arkansas $1,513,000 grant for abandoned mine lands program
1/16/97 OSM awards Iowa $1,500,000 grant for abandoned mine lands program
1/16/97 OSM awards Maryland $471,378 to regulate surface effects of coal mining
1/15/97 OSM awards Pennsylvania $10,395,890 to assist in regulating surface effects of coal mining

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Office of Surface Mining
1951 Constitution Ave. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20240