A NATIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR COOPERATION With National Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service USD0I - Office of Surface Mining Overview: The Framework Plan is a partnership of federal and State governments, and coalitions working to restore the nation's abandoned mine lands. This is a partnership of Federal, State, and private alliances that addresses environmental problems from a national context. The plan has the potential to serve as a guide to form a stronger partnership at each level resulting in greater efficiency to the public. Goal 1: A strong effective reclamation program: Objective 1: Create effective state reclamation committees in each state impacted by past mining. Objective 2: Encourage re-establishing a RAMP committee within the National Association of Abandoned Mine Land Programs (NAAMLP). Objective 3: Develop a strategy on how OSM/NRCS can support reclamation activities in the Clean Water Action Plan and American Heritage Rivers Initiative. Goal 2: Improve service to local grass roots organizations: Objective 1: Facilitate development of Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) with key stakeholders within each State. Objective 2: Develop joint reclamation database of information to inform the conservation partners on the need for reclamation in their individual watersheds. Objective 3: Establish a strong partnership with the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD). Objective 4: Increase awareness of grass roots organization on the Appalachian Clean Streams Initiative (CSI). Goal 3: Increase information to the citizens impacted by abandoned mines: Objective 1: Expand OSM's awards program involvement to include a watershed project award. Objective 2: Conduct national meetings on reclamation. Objective 3: Improve communication with partnership agencies. Goal 4: Improve effectiveness of reclamation funding: Objective 1: Implement a watershed approach in planning and application of abandoned mine reclamation. Objective 2: Jointly fund projects including EPA, COE, and others. Objective 3: Work together to update information in AMLIS. Objective 4: Utilize 10 percent set aside for CSI and RAMP projects, when appropriate. Objective 5: Increase level of funding for all reclamation programs. Goal 5: Increase Technical Training Opportunities Objective 1: Look for opportunities for NRCS staff to participate in available reclamation training courses conducted by OSM, Objective 2: Utilize NRCS staff in providing training in soils, watershed planning, wetlands, and wetland passive treatment systems as related to mining activities. We, the undersigned, do acknowledge the importance of the Reclamation Program and hereby commit our respective organizations to working together to improve and enhance the natural resources through the reclamation of abandoned mine land as described in this framework plan. PEARLIE REED Chief USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service KATHY KARPAN Director USDI-Office of Surface Mining RUDY RICE President National Association of Conservation Districts CLARENCE RICHARDS Chairman National Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation