OFFICE OF SURFACE MINING RECLAMATION AND ENFORCEMENT For Release November 26, 1991 Jerry Childress (202) 208-2719 RULES PROPOSED FOR TEMPORARY CESSATION OF COAL MINE OPERATIONS New standards intended to keep coal mine operators from using inactive status as a way of avoiding or unduly delaying required land reclamation have been proposed by the Interior Department's Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM). The proposal was published in the Federal Register of November 26, 1991, for public review and comment. It consists of revised rules for surface and underground coal mines that temporarily cease operations under approved permits. Under the proposed rule, any coal mine operator who intends to cease operations temporarily for 30 days or longer must first apply to the appropriate state or federal surface mine regulatory authority. The regulatory authority will have 60 days to approve or disapprove the application. The new rule is designed to make sure that environmental safeguards are in place and that land reclamation is not unnecessarily delayed, that all coal mining and reclamation operations for which temporary cessation is being requested are in compliance with environmental performance standards, and to prevent public health and safety hazards while coal mines are temporarily inactive. The proposed rule establishes: --New minimum information requirements for applications; --Criteria for deciding whether to approve or disapprove applications for inactive status; --Pre-approval inspections to determine environmental compliance; and --Procedures for periodic review of approved and pending applications for temporary cessation status. Written comments on the proposal should be delivered to the Administrative Record, Office of Surface Mining, Room 5131-L, 1951 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20240, no later than January 27, 1992. Public hearings will be held upon request in Washington, D.C., and in states with federal Surface Mining Act programs. Requests for hearing or additional information should be directed to Daniel Stocker, Office of Surface Mining, 1951 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20240, (202) 208-2550.