OFFICE OF SURFACE MINING RECLAMATION AND ENFORCEMENT For Release June 18, 1994 Suzanne Melancon (202) 208-2719 INTERIOR SECRETARY BABBITT ANNOUNCES WINNERS OF NATIONAL SURFACE MINING RECLAMATION AWARDS Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt today announced that coal mine operators in six states are winners of national Excellence in Surface Mining Reclamation awards. The awards are sponsored by the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM), the Interior Department bureau responsible for regulating the environmental impacts of coal production. Nominations from coal mine operators were first judged by state mining and reclamation agencies. State-level winners were then judged at the national level by a panel of experts from OSM, the U.S. Bureau of Mines, and the U.S. Geological Survey. This is the eighth year that the awards have been presented by OSM. This year's award-winning operations are in Illinois, Kentucky, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wyoming. The Hobet Mining Company's Madison, West Virginia, operation won the prestigious 1993 OSM Director's Award for outstanding achievement in creating wildlife habitat as a post-mining land use. In reclaiming more than 7,300 acres, including steep slopes and infertile native soils, Hobet established a much-improved habitat that supports varied wildlife populations with their essential natural food chain. Other 1993 winners are: --Peabody Coal Company, River King #3 Mine, Baldwin, Illinois, for reclaiming a 2,500 acre site to create varied aquatic environments, including deepwater lakes, shallow pools, potholes, marshes, nesting islands, and mud fiats for waterfowl. --Peabody Coal Company, Moorman Mine, Moorman, Kentucky, for multiple land use restoration that resulted in outstanding crop yields. Working with the University of Kentucky's College of Agriculture, Peabody's Moorman operation reclaimed more than 100 acres of prime farmland. --W.H. Bowlin Coal Company, Saxton, Kentucky, for outstanding reclamation achieved by a small mine operator. Before mining, this operation along I-75 was covered with old spoil pits and ridges left from a mid-1940s operation. Bowlin's reclamation revegetated the site, which is ready for hay production. --Red River Coal Company and S.R. Mullins Excavating, Inc., Flat Gap Mine, Flat Gap, Virginia, for achieving outstanding reclamation while remining a site characterized by barren outslopes, dangerous highwalls, acid mine drainage, and stream sedimentation. Reclamation has improved water quality, promoted a higher use of the land, and improved the quality of life for local residents. --Centralia Mining Company, Centralia, Washington, for reclamation that enhanced wildlife habitat within the company's forest plantation to encourage populations of small mammals, big game, upland birds, and waterfowl. --Buffalo Coal Company, Difficult Mine, Mount Storm, West Virginia, for exemplary contemporaneous reclamation. Using a modified version of the block-cut method of surface mining, the company removed potentially toxic materials and mixed them with alkaline materials as they were placed in nearby fill. Backfilling was simultaneous with excavation. Those techniques minimized sedimentation, erosion, and oxidation of the overburden. --Kerr-McGee Coal Corporation, Jacobs Ranch Mine, near Gillette, Wyoming, for exemplary reclamation achieved under semi-arid conditions. Kerr-McGee's reclamation of the site returned the land to use for grazing and wildlife habitat. Trees planted on part of the reclaimed land were donated by company employees, who dug and transplanted the seedlings on weekends. Interior Secretary Babbitt commended all those involved with the winning coal mine operations for setting high standards for restoring the quality of the environment. "The 1993 reclamation award winners have demonstrated that they can extract a valuable mineral resource without causing permanent environmental damage, restoring the landscape as they go. I congratulate them for their achievements in preserving the natural environment for future generations of Americans," he said, "and I commend them as examples for others in the extractive industries to learn from and to follow." OSM Director Robert J. Uram presented the awards at the National Coal Association's annual meeting in Colorado Springs, Colo., on Saturday, June 18. Uram, who was named Director of the agency last March, praised the award-winning projects. "I have recently had an opportunity to visit several of today's award-winning sites, and they were truly impressive. The outstanding on-the-ground reclamation achieved by each of these winners is what the surface mining law is all about," he said. OSM administers national standards requiring environmental protection during coal mining and land reclamation afterward, and OSM reclaims abandoned mine lands. The agency provides support and oversight for approved state regulatory and reclamation programs and directly carries out such activities on federal and Indian lands. OSM was established in the Interior Department under authority of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977. - DOI -