OSM NEWS U. S. Department of the Interior Office of Surface Mining Jerry Childress (202) 208-2719 jchildre@osmre.gov OSM RELEASES FINAL OVERSIGHT REPORT, ACTION PLAN FOR KENTUCKY MOUNTAIN TOP MINING ISSUES Kathrine Henry, Acting Director of the Interior Department's Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM), today announced the release of OSM's final oversight report evaluating approximate original contour and post-mining land uses for mountaintop mining in Kentucky. The report finalizes the conclusions and recommendations included in a draft report released in September 1999. Because only minor changes were made as a result of public outreach, OSM chose not to republish the draft report in its entirety. Interested parties should refer to the draft report for further discussion of the findings and analyses that led to the conclusions and recommendations being announced today. "The final report summarizes our findings and recommendations, but more importantly, it includes the action plan addressing the problems that were identified," Henry said. "OSM and Kentucky have worked cooperatively throughout the entire review process to identify program strengths and weaknesses. Kentucky has sought input from its stakeholders in developing solutions to the weaknesses that were identified." According to Henry the action plan addresses all of the issues raised in the oversight report. In order to achieve consistency between the states, Kentucky has agreed to develop a guidance document to assist permit reviewers in making approximate original contour determinations. To address review findings, Kentucky is also revising database systems, findings documents, and reviewing post-mining land uses. In addition, Kentucky has submitted a proposed program amendment relating to steep slope variances affecting surface or groundwater hydrology. For more information about the Kentucky report, contact Al Klein, OSM Appalachian Regional Director, telephone: (412) 937-2828. Electronic copies of both the draft report and the final report are available on OSM's web page. You may view or download copies of the report at: http://www.osmre.gov/mtindex.htm. Additionally, copies of the final report may be obtained from OSM's Lexington Field Office, 2675 Regency Road, Lexington, Kentucky 40503-2922, telephone (859) 260-8400. -OSM- OSM news releases may be downloaded from OSM's Homepage at: http//www.osmre.gov. Frequently requested information about OSM is available 24 hours a day by Fax-on-Demand at: (202) 219-1703.