OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY For Release April 25, 1990 Steve Goldstein (202) 343-6416 (0) (202) 887-5248 (h) Secretary of the Interior Manuel Lujan today announced the final decision designating 5,250 acres in Morgan County, Tennessee, as unsuitable for surface coal mining. The designation rules cut surface coal mining operations in 8.2 square miles of mountainous terrain, but all~ continued use of an existing coal haulage road outside Frozen Head State Park and Natural Area. The road provides critical access to the coal resources from outside the ar~a designated unsuitable for surface mining. Harry M. Snider, Director of Interior's Office of Surface Mining (OSM), said, "It is important to safeguard sensitive land and protect our waters. This decision clearly demonstrates the kind of balance that can be reached between the protection of environmentally sensitive areas and the recovery of valuable resources. The affected area is part of the Flat Fork and Mud Creek watersheds. A portion of the Flat Fork watershed drains into, Frozen Head State Park. The unsuitability decision supports a 1985 petition from individuals and environmental organizations seeking to safeguard the locality's land and Under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation A~t, anyone with an interest that could be adversely affected can petition for land to be designated unsuitable for surface coal m~g. The Flat Fork petitioners said reclamation in that area would not be technologically and economically feasible, and surface mining there would also be compatible with state and local land use programs. They said surface mining in the Flat Fork area, beside having the water supply, would damage historic, cultural, scientific, and aesthetic values and natural systems. Before reaching a decision, OSM evaluated the petitioners, claims, conducted technical investigations, issued reports, gathered public comment, held a public hearing, and published a final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the subject in March 1990. Secretary Lujan announced the preferred alternative in the EIS while in Knoxville, Tennessee, March 22, addressing the 1990 Annual Academic Achievers Banquet.