For Release APRIL 2, 1998 Jerry Childress (202) 208-2719 FEDERAL COAL SYMPOSIUM COMPENDIUM AVAILABLE ON WORLD WIDE WEB The Interior Department's Office of Surface Mining Reclamation & Enforcement (OSM) today announced Internet publication of a compendium of information compiled to document the proceedings of OSM's Federal Coal Symposium held January 21, 1998, in Washington, D.C. The 23-page document is available to the general public from OSM's home page on the World Wide Web ( OSM Director Kathy Karpan called the one-day symposium "an unqualified success which exceeded all of our expectations. Lines of communication have been established for the first time, or renewed, as a result of the symposium. Several spin-offs have occurred that resulted from the information and contact exchange that transpired during the event." OSM decided to publish summarized proceedings of the symposium to further foster the exchange of information resulting from the meetings, which were attended by over 250 people, including stakeholders from government, industry, environmental organizations, and citizen groups, according to Karpan. "It was the largest event OSM has ever hosted," she added. "The symposium has improved OSM relations with its partners who implement coal related programs, and, in addition, it provided a public outreach opportunity that enabled environmental groups and citizens to provide their views on coal mining related issues," Karpan said. For additional information about the compendium, or about the symposium, contact George Stone, Symposium Coordinator, 202-208-7840 ( DOI