For Release February 9, 1999 Jerry Childress (202) 208-2719 OSM PROPOSES COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH INDIANA TO REGULATE SURFACE MINING, RECLAMATION ON FEDERAL LANDS The Interior Department's Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) is proposing to adopt a cooperative agreement between the Department of the Interior and the State of Indiana for the regulation and reclamation of surface and underground coal mining operations on federal lands in the state. The proposal was published in the Federal Register of February 8, 1999, for public review and comment. Under the proposed agreement, Indiana gets full regulatory and reclamation authority over coal mining on federal lands in Indiana, as provided for in the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA). The proposed agreement designates the Natural Resource Commission (NRC) and the Division of Reclamation (DOR) of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources to administer the program, to include permit application and review, enforcement, bonding, and inspections. Those agencies already carry out similar functions on all non-federal land in Indiana. The agreement calls for OSM to pay 100 percent of Indiana's costs for regulating coal mining and reclamation on federal lands. OSM already pays 50 percent of state costs for Indiana's existing Interior-approved regulatory program covering coal mining and reclamation on non-federal lands. Written comments on the proposal, and requests for additional information, should be directed to Andrew R. Gilmore, Director, OSM Indianapolis Field Office, Minton- Capehart Federal Building, 575 N. Pennsylvania Street, Indianapolis, Indian 46204-1521 telephone (317) 226-6700. Written comments must be received by April 9, 1999. If requested a public hearing on the proposed cooperative agreement will be held March 25, 1999. However, persons wishing to speak at the hearing must contact Gilmore by March 1, 1999. The location and time of the hearing will be arranged with the persons requesting the hearing. Persons needing special accommodations in order to participate in the hearing should contact Gilmore by the same date. -DOI-