OFFICE OF SURFACE MINING RECLAMATION & ENFORCEMENT For Release February 7, 1997 Jerry Childress (202) 208-2719 OSM WATER PROTECTION DOCUMENT AVAILABLE FOR COMMENT VIA INTERNET Kathrine L. Henry, Acting Director of the Interior Department's Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM), today announced that a major OSM water resource protection document designed to maintain the proper hydrologic balance at surface coal mining sites nationwide is now available for public review and comment via the Internet. OSM customers can access the document, "Managing Hydrologic Information, A Resource for Development of Probable Hydrologic Consequences (PHC) and Cumulative Hydrologic Impact Assessments (CHIA), by setting Web browsers to http// and clicking on "What's New." "This document is aimed at helping people involved with coal mining protect the hydrologic balance through the permitting process associated with the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act," Henry said. Coal operators seeking mining permits prepare PHCs, Henry said, and surface mining regulators prepare a CHIA as part of the process leading to permit approval or denial. According to Henry, the hydrology document is informational. That is, it will not establish a regulatory standard, and thus is not binding on OSM or state regulators. Instead, its purpose is to outline the regulatory requirements of the surface mining law related to hydrology and overburden geology; describe approaches for responding to those requirements; and identify resources electronically linked to selected hydrologic data bases maintained by the U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior. "By making the document available to a widest possible audience via Internet, we hope to receive maximum feedback regarding the value of this kind of document in protecting the hydrologic balance," Henry said. "We welcome all constructive comments aimed at making it more understandable, more useful, and more complete within the context of its intended purpose as a resource document." "The document is available for public comment in draft form until May 15, 1997," Henry said. "After that, we can decide whether or how to revise it." OSM will post all comments or summaries of comments received on the Internet, along with OSM's responses. To comment on the PHC/CHIA document, or for further information, contact Douglas Growitz, (202) 208-2634, ( Comments also may be forward by regular mail to Douglas Growitz, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation & Enforcement, 1951 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20240. -DOI- OSM news releases and information may be downloaded from OSM's Homepage at: Frequently requested information about OSM is available 24 hours a day by Fax-on-Demand at: (202) 219-1703.