OFFICE OF SURFACE MINING RECLAMATION & ENFORCEMENT For Release March 19, 1996 Jerry Childress (202) 208-2719 OSM 1995 ANNUAL REPORT RELEASED Robert J. Uram, Director of the Interior Department's Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM), today released the agency's Fiscal Year 1995 Annual Report. The 48-page report, which describes OSM operations for the period October 1, 1994, through September 30, 1995 -- Fiscal Year 1995 -- combines OSM's Annual Report to Congress with its Annual Financial Report. This marks the second year OSM has combined the two reports in an attempt to provide its customers a better understanding of the agency's operations, according to Uram. OSM officials said that in addition, the report takes the first steps toward including the requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act in future annual reports. OSM's 1996 report will include all three of the statutory requirements, they said. "Building on the success of last year's annual report, the 1995 report is presented in a format that makes it easier for the general public to use the information it contains about SMCRA implementation, and OSM operations," Uram said. Included in the report is information about activities carried out under several parts of SMCRA, including: Title IV, abandoned mine reclamation; Title V, control of the environmental impacts of surface mining; and Title VII, administrative and miscellaneous provisions. Uram noted that the 1995 Annual Report contains updates to tabular data found in OSM annual reports since 1988. "This facilitates comparison of statistics from year to year," he said. "Also, to simplify use of the data presented, some of the tables have been renumbered and others combined." Finance and accounting information, which is presented in a format similar to that of a traditional corporate annual report, is contained in the financial review section. "The Inspector General's audit statement, which gives OSM a 'clean' audit opinion of its financial reporting for 1995, is included at the end of the financial section," Uram added. "This marks the fifth year in a row OSM received a 'clean audit', and makes us a leader in this area." Copies of the annual report will be distributed to the public upon request. Contact: Office of Communications, Office of Surface Mining, 1951 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20240, Telephone 202-208-2553, Fax 202-501-0549. -DOI-