Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated

National Maritime Center (NMC)
Mariner Licensing and Documentation (MLD)

Annex 1

Part A
Mandatory Standards Regarding Provisions of the annex to the STCW Convention


  1. This part of the STCW Code contains mandatory provisions to which specific reference is made in the Annex to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended, hereinafter referred to as the STCW Convention. These provisions give in detail the minimum standards required to be maintained by Parties in order to give full and complete effect to the Convention.
  2. Also contained in this part are standards of competence required to be demonstrated by candidates for the issue and revalidation of certificates of competency under the provisions of the STCW Convention. To clarify the linkage between the alternative certification provisions of chapter VII and the certification provisions of chapters II, III and IV, the abilities specified in the standards of competence are grouped as appropriate under the following seven functions:
    • .1 Navigation
    • .2 Cargo handling and stowage
    • .3 Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board
    • .4 Marine engineering
    • .5 Electrical, electronic and control engineering
    • .6 Maintenance and repair
    • .7 Radiocommunications

    at the following levels of responsibility:

    • .1 Management level
    • .2 Operational level
    • .3 Support level

    Functions and levels of responsibility are identified by subtitle in the tables of standards of competence given in chapters II, III, and IV of this part. The scope of the function at the level of responsibility stated in a subtitle is defined by the abilities listed under it in column 1 of the table. The meaning of "function" and "level of responsibility" is defined in general terms in section A-I/1 below.

  3. The numbering of the sections of this part corresponds with the numbering of the regulations contained in the Annex to the STCW Convention. The text of the sections may be divided into numbered parts and paragraphs, but such numbering is unique to that text alone.

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Last Modified 8/21/2008