Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated

National Maritime Center (NMC)
Mariner Licensing and Documentation (MLD)


Commentary on Chapter I:
General Provisions
Commentary on Chapter II:
Master and Deck Department
Commentary on Chapter III:
Engine Department
Commentary on Chapter IV:
Radiocommunication & Radio
Commentary on Chapter V:
Special Training for Personnel
on Certain Types of Ships
Commentary on Chapter VI:
Emergency, Occupational Safety,
Medical Care and Survival Functions
Commentary on Chapter VII:
Alternative Certification


Chapter III of the STCW Annex, and the associated sections of the STCW Code, are devoted to the requirements for the officers and ratings who serve in the engine department, and/or those who perform functions relating to marine engineering; electrical, electronic and control engineering; maintenance and repair; and controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board.

The structure of this chapter mirrors the structure of Chapter II. The first regulation focuses on the officer in charge of the watch and the operational level of responsibility. The second and third regulations focus on the chief engineer and second engineer officer, and the management level of responsibility. And the fourth regulation concerns the rating who is a part of the watch at the support level.

Regulation III/1 - Officers in charge of an engineering watch on ships with 750kw propulsion power or more

The first paragraph of this regulation requires that everyone who serves as an officer in charge of an engineering watch in a manned engine-room, or a designated duty engineer in a periodically unmanned engine-room, on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kilowatts (kW) propulsion power. or more must hold an "appropriate certificate". (See the definition of "appropriate certificate" on page 17 of this handbook.)

The second paragraph sets out the requirements a candidate must meet to acquire a certificate for service in this capacity, including age limit, and minimum periods of seagoing service. The candidate must also complete approved education and training, and meet the standard of competence and other requirements of section A-Ill/1 of the STCW Code.

Section A-Ill/1 of the STCW Code specifies the minimum standard of competence-in the form of our-column-tables for each of four functional areas, at the operational level.

Tables in Section A-III/1 are presented for functions relating to: marine engineering; electrical, electronic and control engineering; maintenance and repair; and controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board. In regulation III/1 these tables relate to the operational level of responsibility. The management level is addressed in regulations III//2 and III/3; and the support level is addressed in regulation III/4.

Regulation III/2 - Chief Engineer Officers and Second Engineer officers on-ships-with 3,000kw propulsion power or more

The first paragraph of this regulation requires that everyone who serves as a chief engineer officer or second engineer officer on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kilowatts (kW) propulsion power or more must hold an "appropriate certificate". (See the definition of "appropriate certificate" on page 17 of this handbook.)

The second paragraph sets out the requirements a candidate must meet to acquire a certificate for service in this capacity. The candidate must be qualified as a officer in charge of a engineering watch (i.e. meet the requirements of regulation III/1); and must meet certain minimum periods of seagoing service as engineer officer or second engineer officer. The candidate must also complete approved education and training, and meet the standard of competence and other requirements of section--A-III/2 of the STCW Code.

Section A-III/2 of the STCW Code specifies the minimum standard of competence in the form of four-column tables for each of three functional areas, at the management level. The tables are formatted in the same way as those in section A-III; but the focus is on the management level of responsibility, and the statements of competence, the areas of knowledge, the methods of assessment and the criteria for assessment are designed to apply to that level of professional skill and judgment.

Regulation III/3 - Chief Engineer Officers and Second Engineer officers on ships with propulsion power of between 750kw and 3000kw

The first paragraph of this regulation requires that everyone who serves as a chief engineer officer or second engineer officer on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kilowatts (kW) propulsion power or more must hold an "appropriate certificate". (See definition of "appropriate certificate" on page 17 of this handbook.)

The second paragraph sets out the requirements a candidate must meet to acquire a certificate for service in this capacity. The candidate must be qualified as a officer in charge of a engineering watch (i.e. meet the requirements of regulation III/1); and must meet certain minimum periods of seagoing service as engineer officer or second engineer officer. The candidate must also complete approved education and training, and meet the standard of competence and other requirements of section A-III/3 of the STCW Code.

Section A-III/3 of the STCW Code specifies the minimum standard of competence by making reference to the tables already given in Section A-III/2. However, the level of knowledge, while still at the management level, may be lowered to suit the lower propulsion threshold to be placed as a limitation on the candidate’s certificate. The level of knowledge may also be varied when the certificate is limited to service on ships engaged on near-coastal voyage.

Paragraph 3 of regulation III/3 provides that someone qualified as a second engineer officer on ships of 3,000kw propulsion power or more may serve as chief engineer officer on ships of less than 3,000kw propulsion power, if they have a-certain minimum period of-seagoing service, and-the certificate is suitably endorsed.

Regulation III/4 - Ratings forming part of a watch in a manned engine-room or designated to perform duties in a periodically unmanned engine-room on ships of 750kw propulsion power or more

The first paragraph of this regulation requires that every rating forming part of a manned engine-room watch on a seagoing ship of 750 kilowatts (kW) propulsion power or more must be "duly certificated." It is not required that the format provided in regulation I/2 be used to comply with the regulation (though the other provisions of regulation I/2 apply); and certification is not required for ratings who are under training or whose duties are of an unskilled nature.

The second paragraph sets out the requirements a candidate must meet, including minimum age, approved seagoing service and training associated with engine-room watchkeeping functions. The candidate must also meet the standard of competence set out in Section A-III/4 of the STCW Code.

Section A-III/4 of the STCW Code specifies the minimum standard of competence in the form of a four-column table for the marine engineering function area, at the support level.

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Last Modified 8/21/2008