Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated

National Maritime Center (NMC)
Mariner Licensing and Documentation (MLD)


Commentary on Chapter I:
General Provisions
Commentary on Chapter II:
Master and Deck Department
Commentary on Chapter III:
Engine Department
Commentary on Chapter IV:
Radiocommunication & Radio
Commentary on Chapter V:
Special Training for Personnel
on Certain Types of Ships
Commentary on Chapter VI:
Emergency, Occupational Safety,
Medical Care and Survival Functions
Commentary on Chapter VII:
Alternative Certification

This handbook has been designed to serve two purposes. First, it provides a concise overview of the convention and its requirements by highlighting key features. Second, it makes the convention easier to use by describing the parts that make up the whole. The need for a handbook of this kind was stimulated by the dramatic revision of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping, 1978 (STCW Convention) in 1995. In July of that year, the countries which are parties to this international agreement gathered in a conference at the International Maritime Organization in London and agreed to a big package of changes to the convention. These changes are important to anyone who owns, operates, regulates or serves on a seagoing ship, as well as anyone concerned with the qualifications of seafarers. The package of changes to the STCW Convention (known as the 1995 Amendments) is not only lengthy, but also complicated to anyone who may not already be familiar with the principles that give it a foundation, or with the concepts that serve as the building blocks. Those who read this handbook should find the convention itself easier to understand and use.

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Web Site Questions and Concerns, Click here

Last Modified 8/21/2008