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The United States and Syria: Policy Options
Public Event

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Date and Time
Monday, November 27, 2006
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

U.S.-Syria event on C-SPAN.
This event was broadcast on C-SPAN.

U.S. Institute of Peace
2nd Floor Conference Room
1200 17th St, NW
Washington, DC 20036

With U.S. policy in Iraq now under review, not to mention the worsening crises in Lebanon and the Palestinian territories, a growing debate has emerged about relations between Washington and another Middle East hot spot—Syria. Should the United States continue to rely on a policy of isolation, or is the time ripe for cautious engagement? With bilateral relations now at their lowest point in a generation, is renewed cooperation even possible? Can Syria be convinced to play a more positive role in Iraq, to end its intimidation and interference in Lebanese politics, and to move from rejectionism to peacemaking vis-à-vis Israel? What would the United States have to offer in return?

U.S.-Syria event on C-SPAN.
This event was broadcast on C-SPAN.

To explore these questions, USIP is convening a panel of leading specialists and former officials who have met with a wide range of Syrian figures and recently traveled to that country.


  • Scott Lasensky
    Senior Research Associate, U.S. Institute of Peace
  • Robert Malley
    Director of the Middle East Program, International Crisis Group; Former Senior Director, National Security Council
  • Robert Satloff
    Executive Director, Washington Institute for Near East Policy
  • Mona Yacoubian
    Special Adviser to the Muslim World Initiative, U.S. Institute of Peace

Media Inquiries

Please contact Ian Larsen (202.429.3870) or Lauren Sucher (202.429.3822) in the Office of Public Affairs and Communications.

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