GLOBE Stars in the Czech Republic

13 April 1999

Using the art of photography, the GLOBE Program in the Czech Republic is reaching out to expand community awareness of their activities. An exhibition of photographs taken at the 1998 GLOBE Learning Expedition (GLE) by renowned Czech photographer Roman Sejkot opened at the Hotel Renaissance in Prague last November and will soon travel throughout the country.

During the coming year, the exhibition will travel to each of the nine GLOBE schools that participated in the GLE and in the Expedition Napapiirim -- a bus trip to the North of Finland where students conducted GLOBE measurements and forwarded their results for presentation at the GLE. Students and teachers will be responsible for the photography exhibit when it reaches their schools and will invite guests, such as journalists, mayors, school principals, and teachers from other schools to view the photos. The schools will also host special evening programs during which students who participated in the GLE will show slides from their trip.

Building on the international collaboration initiated at the GLE, Mr. Karl Torstein Hetland, the Norwegian GLOBE Country Coordinator, visited the Czech Republic with four teachers in December. The Norwegian delegation participated in the silent auction that took place at the opening of the photography exhibit, organized by Tereza, the coordinating body for GLOBE in the Czech Republic. They also hope to arrange student exchanges in the future.

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