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Embargoed until June 25, 2002, 10 a.m. EDT

Contact: CDC
(770) 488-4902

Press Release

CDC to Launch New Injury Research Agenda

Today, CDC released its new research agenda forecasting the direction for injury research at CDC from 2002 to 2007. Injury is the leading caused of death in the United States in the first four decades of life. Violent and unintentional injuries cause more than 146,000 deaths each year and cost an estimated $260 billion annually (in 1995 dollars).

"The agenda provides a blueprint for insuring that high priority interventions get developed, tested and used. Implementing this agenda will save lives," said Sue Binder, M.D., director of CDC's Injury Center.

The agenda pinpoints seven areas where additional research can have the greatest impact on preventing injuries and controlling their debilitating effects. The research agenda looks at injuries at home and in communities, injuries occurring during sports, recreation and exercise, transportation- related injuries, intimate partner violence, sexual violence and child maltreatment, suicidal behaviors, youth violence, and acute care, disability and rehabilitation services.

CDC will implement the research through universities across the nation, state health departments and not-for-profit organizations engaged in injury prevention work. It will also work with hospitals, managed care organizations, health care associations and public health professionals.

CDC protects people's health and safety by preventing and controlling diseases and injuries; enhances health decisions by providing credible information on critical health issues; and promotes healthy living through strong partnerships with local, national, and international organizations.


Editor's Note: To arrange interviews, please contact either Gail Hayes or Norman Black at 770-488-4902.

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This page last updated June 25, 2002

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