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The Official Website of the National Coordinating Committee on School Health and Safety

2004 Promoting Student Mental Health and School Connectedness

June 3, 2004 Ballston, Virginia Return to meeting list  >

Participants at the conference represented many Federal agencies administering major school health programs and nongovernmental organizations on the front lines of school health. The participants discovered new avenues and partnership opportunities for enhancing their goals. Guest speakers and activities reinforced the message that promoting the mental health of the Nation’s children requires collaboration, strategies addressing school climate, and techniques for improving the resilience of young people and the reduction of risk factors. Presenters reported that helping schools implement effective, science-based programs is not enough. Programs must also be brought to scale so that more children have access to the services.

In addition to celebrating successes and sharing effective strategies, participants and speakers tackled the challenges and barriers to improving mental health in schools. The meeting provided a way to reinforce connections among Federal partners and with nongovernmental organizations—a dynamic essential to NCCSHS’s mission.

Meeting Chair

NCCSHS Chair Theresa Lewallen, director of the Health in Education Initiative, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, chaired the meeting.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Represented Agencies and Organizations

Enhancing Resilience

Federal Panel

Roundtable Discussions

School Health Council Activity


Editorial Review Subcommittee Report

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