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The Official Website of the National Coordinating Committee on School Health and Safety

2003 NCCSHS Annual Meeting

Working Together to Maximize Student Academic Achievement, Health and Safety

May 15-16, 2003 Washington, D.C.  Return to meeting list  >

The Sixth Annual Meeting of the National Coordinating Committee on School Health (NCCSH), held May 15-16, 2003, at the Wyndham City Center in Washington, DC, brought together dozens of school health leaders and Federal agency representatives to strengthen collaborative efforts for advancing health status and promoting academic success for all children and adolescents.

NCCSH members include a virtual "who's who" of nongovernmental organizations in the fields of public health, safety, and education. NCCSH's links with Federal health and human services agencies continue to broaden and deepen as agency support grows for NCCSH and its mission. As the lively discussions and informative presentations indicated, NCCSH is needed today more than ever to provide leadership, vision, and communication and collaboration necessary to address the growing health challenges in our schools.

Meeting Chair and Organizers

Dr. Becky Smith, Vice President of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) and Executive Director of the American Association for Health Education (AAHE), chaired the meeting. Along with Dr. Smith, meeting planners and organizers included the Steering Sub-Committee of NCCSH, Dr. Trina M. Anglin, Medical Officer, Maternal and Child Health Bureau (NCHB), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), and William Potts-Datema, NCCSH Consultant and Director, Partnerships for Children's Health (PCH), Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH).

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Represented Agencies and Organizations

Welcome and Introduction

Opening Forum

Keynote Address

Roundtable Discussion

Contemporary Issues for School Health Councils

Partnering with Federal Research Initiatives

Partnering with Philanthropy

NCCSHS Business Meeting

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