Research Programs

Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering

The Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering (DMSE) supports research programs at national laboratories, universities, and other research institutions.  Listed below are the programmatic Core Research Activity (CRA) descriptions (viewed by following its respective link):

The Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering (DMSE) within the Office of Basic Energy Sciences has entered the summaries of its supported university research grants into an  Abstract Tracking System (ATS).  Abstracts can be viewed and searched by key words at the ATS database website. Summaries for DOE laboratory Field Work Proposals are not contained in the Abstract Tracking Service and can be viewed by selecting the project program summaries of research at each of the supported national laboratories (click on the PDF icons pdfbelow):

  •      Ames Laboratory pdf

  •      Argonne National Laboratory pdf

  •      Brookhaven National Laboratory pdf

  •      Idaho National Laboratory pdf

  •      Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory pdf

  •      Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory pdf

  •      Los Alamos National Laboratory pdf

  •      National Renewable Energy Laboratory pdf

  •      Oak Ridge National Laboratory pdf

  •      Pacific Northwest National Laboratory pdf

  •      Sandia National Laboratories  pdf

  •      Savanna River National Laboratory pdf

  •      Stanford Linear Accelerator Center pdf

The entire portfolio of the former Division of Materials Sciences and its predecessors from 1955 through 1997 can be accessed through the archived program summary books.  


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