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  1. The primary issue regarding public exposure to hazardous chemicals at Fort Richardson is that of white phosphorous-contaminated waterfowl from Eagle River Flats. Studies of waterfowl collected in the vicinity have not detected the presence of white phosphorous. Therefore, this exposure pathway is considered to be No Apparent Public Health Hazard.

  2. Physical hazards such as derelict structures and open pits exist at Fort Richardson. However, institutional controls are in place to prevent public access. Therefore, this exposure pathway is considered to be No Apparent Public Health Hazard.

  3. Asbestos has been found in abandoned structures at Fort Richardson. Access to these structures is limited by institutional controls. Therefore, this is considered to be No Apparent Public Health Hazard.


The Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA; also known as Superfund) as amended, requires ATSDR to conduct needed follow-up health actions in communities living near hazardous waste sites. To identify appropriate actions, ATSDR created the Health Activities Recommendation Panel (HARP). HARP has evaluated the data and information contained in the Fort Richardson Public Health Assessment for appropriate public health actions. Based on the information available, this site poses no apparent public health risk. If additional information becomes available that may indicate a public health risk, this information will be evaluated the HARP. HARP determined that health education and health studies follow-up actions are not warranted. As discussed above, there do not appear to have been exposures in the past which resulted in public health problems, and there are no current exposures.

  1. Fort Richardson should continue to monitor institutional controls at contamination sites and at abandoned facilities to ensure that public access is eliminated. Institutional controls should remain in effect until the potential for public health hazard is eliminated.

  2. ATSDR will evaluate future remedial investigation data to update our exposure evaluation.


The public health action plan (PHAP) for Fort Richardson, Alaska NPL site contains a description of actions to be taken by ATSDR and/or other governmental agencies at and in the vicinity of the site subsequent to the completion of this public health assessment. The purpose of PHAP is to ensure that this public health assessment not only identifies public health hazards, but provides a plan of action designed to mitigate and prevent adverse human health effects would result from any exposure to hazardous substances in the environment. Included is a commitment on the part of ATSDR to followup on this plan. The public health actions to be implemented are as follows:

Actions Planned

  1. ATSDR will evaluate future remedial investigation data to assure that an accurate exposure evaluation has been made.

  2. The Army should continue to maintain institutional controls to restrict the possibility of access to OUs that might present physical hazards.

  3. ATSDR will review the remedial activities at Fort Richardson, to evaluate the proposed remediations in relation to protection of public health. ATSDR comments, and recommendations, as appropriate, will be provided to EPA, the Army and State of Alaska.
ATSDR will reevaluate and modify the Public Health Action Plan as needed. New relevant data, or the results of implementing the above proposed actions may determine the need for additional actions at this site.

  1. Bureau of the Census, 1990, Census of Population and Housing, 1990: Summary Tape File 1A (Alaska), Washington, DC.

  2. U.S. Army Alaska, 1995, Installation Action Plan for Fort Richardson, Alaska, February 1995.

  3. CH2M Hill, 1994, Eagle River Flats - Draft Final Comprehensive Evaluation Report, Fort Richardson, Alaska, for U.S. Army Engineer District Alaska, May 1994.

  4. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Toxic and Hazardous Materials Agency, 1992, Final Remedial Investigation Report: White Phosphorous Contamination of Salt Marsh Sediments at Eagle River Flats, Alaska, March 1992.

  5. Nam, S-I, BD Roebuck, and ME Walsh, 1994, Uptake and Loss of White Phosphorus in American Kestrels, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol 13, no. 4.

  6. ATSDR, 1994, Draft Toxicological Profile for White Phosphorous and White Phosphorous Smoke, June 1994.

  7. ATSDR, 1995, HAZDAT Hazardous Chemicals Comparison Value Database.

  8. ATSDR, 1995, Record of Communication, Major Kevin Gardner, Fort Richardson Public Works, Interagency Memorandum, June 6, 1995.

  9. ATSDR, 1996, Record of Communication, from Major Kevin Gardner, Fort Richardson Public Works, March 25, 1996

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