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Based upon the information reviewed, chemical concentrations in the soil and surface water at the Bullen Point radar installation do not present a public health hazard to workers, sportsman, or subsistence hunters/ fishers who use the facility.

Dermal exposure to the maximum concentration found in a wipe sample from the Inside Transformer (OT04) could cause an increase in serum PCB levels. The effect on health, if any, from such an increase is not known.

The exposed metal debris along the shoreline at the Old Landfill/Dump Site East (LF06) do pose a threat of injury which could be potentially serious given the site's remote location.

Data is insufficient to determine if subsistence consumers may be exposed to PCBs through consumption of biota harvested in the area of the Bullen Point radar installation. The available data do not indicate that the installation is a significant source of PCB contamination to the biota pathway. However, even if the installation is not a significant source, it should be determined whether excess human exposure to PCBs is occurring via the food chain, and exposures evaluated to determine potential impact on human health.

If the installation were converted to residential use, additional sampling and evaluation would be needed to determine what threat, if any, there would be to residents from exposure to hazardous substances in the environment.


Prevent exposure to PCBs located on the floor of the Inside Transformer (OT04).

Ensure that any hazard posed by metal debris exposed along the shore of the Old Landfill/Dump Site East (LF06) is eliminated.

Analyze samples from whales, caribou, arctic cisco, arctic char, ptarmigan, and duck for PCBs to determine the extent of exposure experienced by subsistence peoples who harvest from the area around the site.

If the installation is considered for residential use in the future, further sampling of environmental media, including soil, sediment, surface water, and biota is needed to evaluate the potential impact of environmental contamination on a residential population.


Installation Restoration Program Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Stage 3, Bullen Point AFS (POW-3), Alaska, Final Workplan, Woodward-Clyde Consultants, June 1988

United States Air Force 611th Air Support Group/Civil Engineering Squadron, Elmendorf AFB, Alaska, Preliminary Assessment Bullen Point, CH2M Hill, January 1994

United States Air Force 611th Air Support Group/Civil Engineering Squadron, Elmendorf AFB, Alaska, Draft Final Risk Assessment, Bullen Point Radar Installation, Alaska, ICF Technology Incorporated, September 8, 1995

United States Air Force 611th Air Support Group/Civil Engineering Squadron, Elmendorf AFB, Alaska, Draft Final Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study, Bullen Point Radar Installation, Alaska, ICF Technology Incorporated, September 8, 1995

U.S. EPA, AK2570028652 USAF POW-3 DEW Line Site a.k.a. Bullen Point Radar Site, Periodic Review of Low NPL Sites Information Checklist For Presentation at Review - CONFIDENTIAL, July 22, 1997

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