Police Officer Stopping

Strengthening The Citizen and Law Enforcement Partnership at The Traffic Stop:
Professionalism is a Two-Way Street




Part I: Practices for Traffic Law Enforcement Officers

Blue BulletDuring Typical Stops
Blue BulletSpecial Conditions
Blue BulletConfrontational Drivers
Blue BulletDuring Suspicious or Felonious Stops
Blue BulletConclusion

Part II: Practices for Drivers

Blue BulletWhy Officers Conduct
Blue BulletTraffic Stops Are Dangerous

Blue Bullet
What Can You Do?



Part II: Practices for Drivers

(NOTE: There are many opportunities for law enforcement to communicate with the community they serve about why and how traffic stops are conducted. Here are some practices agencies can communicate to the public in printed public information materials, presentations to community groups and schools, and interviews with the media, and that may be placed in visitor centers and rest areas on highways.)


So you speed sometimes and gingerly run an occasional stop sign. That’s not such a big deal–or is it? How would you feel if a stop-sign runner speeds through a school zone where your child is waiting for a school bus?