Ferson Creek Elementary School, St. Charles, IL, USA

17 October 1997

The city of St. Charles has taken an obvious shinning to GLOBE in the form of Diane Duncan's fourth grade class at Ferson Creek Elementary. These GLOBE students have shared the merits of the GLOBE program in presentations before their entire school, the local school board, and at district technology fairs. "The only problem any of us GLOBE teachers have is the increasing number of parents requesting us as their child's teacher," reports Mrs. Duncan. As a result of all the interest, all of the fourth grade classes at the school will be participating in GLOBE in the 1997 school year.

Duncan's fourth grade class at Ferson Creek has included GLOBE activities in a variety of disciplines, including social studies, geography, and language arts. Students have written about how lives are affected by weather in different parts of the country. A television news station in nearby Chicago featured the activities of the Ferson Creek students, showcasing the artwork of four students.

These ambitious students have performed both academically and athletically. Sporting an originally designed GLOBE t-shirt, Mrs. Duncan's students prevailed in most of the competitions of Ferson Creek's "Fun Day," including the top prize, the "Tug-Of-War."

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