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Operations & Organization > Emergency > Emergency Response

Emergency Contacts / Outside Agencies (1) Emergency Operations Center (1)

Emergency Response

Laboratory announces organizational changes
October 12 — As part of efforts to strengthen laboratory operations and the senior management team, Los Alamos National Laboratory Director George P. Nanos today announced a reorganization of his senior management team and the Laboratory's Operations Directorate. Effective October 13, 2004, the Operations Directorate will be split into two directorates that will provide enhanced services and functions to the Laboratory.

Los Alamos, Sandia National Laboratories to host Homeland Security workshop for state, local responders
February 18 — Los Alamos National Laboratory's Center for Homeland Security, in partnership with Sandia National Laboratories, is announcing a homeland security workshop for local, state and regional first responders.


Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA

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