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Field Campaigns

August 2004

August 18th

All field personnel, supplies, and equipment arrive in Fairbanks, AK

Field personnel arrive in Fairbanks, AK, thick smoke from firest fires.
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August 19th

Yukon River trip preparations.

Rig boats, set up mobile processing Lab

Shop for dry goods.

August 20th

Yukon River trip preparations.

Rig boats, set up mobile processing Lab

August 21st

Mobilize field and lab crews and boats to Whitehorse, Yukon Territory.

August 22nd

Drop boats and lab truck at Spirit lake Lodge near Carcross. Continue to Skagway

Scenery on the way to Skaway to pick up addinal field crew
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August 24th

Pick up remaining crew at Skagway Ferry.

Return to Spirit Lake Lodge.

Prepare boats and lab truck, organize gear.

August 25th

Start of field trip.

Sampled Nares River at Carcross. ADCP and EDI.

Lab crew stayed at lodge and processed a blank.

Returned sample to lab crew. Finished processing in late afternoon

Entire crew continued to Atlin.

Lodging at Kirkwood cottages.

Sampled Nares River at Carcross.
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Lab truck and boat at Atlin, BC. Preparing to sample Atlin River.
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August 26th

Sampled Atlin River. ADCP and EDI.

Lab crew processed sample on site. Finished processing late afternoon.

Whole crew moved to Whitehorse. Stored boats at WSC.

Measuring discharge on the Atlin River.
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August 27th

Drove boats to Takhini Landing outside Whitehorse.

Sampled Yukon River below Whitehorse and Takhini River near Yukon confluence. ADCP and EDI.

Collected grab samples from Yukon below Takhini.

Lab crew processed sample on site.

All crews returned to Whitehorse. Stored boats at WSC.

USGS working with Environment Canada, sampling for Hg on the Yukon River below Whitehorse.
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Sampling crews leaving landing at Takhini River near Yukon confluence.
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August 28th

Prep day. Stage out of WSC. Pack and ship samples. Shop for groceries. Organize coolers and camping gear. Wash boats.

Whole crew moves to Lake LaBerge landing and campground. Camp to get early start on the lake next morning.

Staging out of WSC.  Packing and shipping samples.
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August 29th

Field crew gets early AM start.

Field crew sampled Teslin River. ADCP and EDI.

Collected grab samples from Yukon below Teslin.

Continued to Big Salmon River. 48 miles. Camped at mouth of Big Salmon.

Lab crew shuttled trucks to Carmacks.

Field crew moving to the Teslin River sampling site
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Camping at mouth of Big Salmon River
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August 30th

Field crew delayed by dense fog.

Field crew sampled Big Salmon River. ADCP and EDI.

Field crew sampled Little Salmon River. Wading discharge measurement and EWI.

Collected grab samples from Yukon below Big and Little Salmon Rivers.

Field crew arrives at Carmacks Coal Mine Campground in late afternoon. Traveled 100 miles.

Lab crew processes all samples. Finishes processing in late evening.

Crew lodges in Carmacks and also at campground.

Field crew delayed by dense fog at the mouth of the Big Salmon River
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Arriving at Yukon sampling site on the Big Salmon River
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Field crew sampling for greenhouse gasses on the Little Salmon River.
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Crew lodges and stages operations at Coal Mine Campground, Carmacks, YT
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August 31st

Sampled Yukon River at Carmacks and Nordenskiold River. ADCD and EDI.

Collected grab samples from Yukon below Nordenskiold.

Lab crew processed samples at campground. Finished in evening.

September 1st

Entire crew drove to Pelly River at the bridge crossing.

Sampled Pelly River. ADCP and EDI.

Lab crew processed on site. Finished mid afternoon.

Water level in Pelly was too low. Drove back to the Yukon River at Minto and launched from the landing. Continued down river and collected grab samples from Yukon below Pelly.

Made camp on a sand bar on the Yukon River a few miles upstream of WSC gage. Traveled ~100 miles.

Lab crew shuttled trucks to Dawson.

Processing samples IN the Pelly River
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Breaking down camp on a sand bar on the Yukon River a few miles upstream of WSC gauge.
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September 2nd

Field crew sampled Yukon River above the White River. ADCP and EDI.

Lab crew shuttled trucks. Set up lab in Dawson.

Field crew sampled White River. ADCP and EWI.

Collected grab samples from Yukon below White.

Camped on bank of Stewart River near sampling site. Traveled ~30 miles.

WSC gage house on the bank of the Yukon River above White River.  Recent forest fire damaged gage house.
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Aerial view of the White River, sampling site in background.
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Camped on bank of Stewart River near sampling site.
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September 3rd

Field crew sampled Stewart River. ADCP and EDI.

Collected grab samples from Yukon below Stewart

Field crew sampled Sixty Mile River. ADCP and Grab sample.

Very cold and wet weather. Field crew arrives at Dawson in evening. Traveled ~65 miles.

Lab crew processes four samples. Processed into late night.

Field crew preparing to sample the Stewart River.
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Sampling Sixty Mile River for greenhouse gasses
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Very cold and wet weather, approaching Dawson City after a full day of travel on the Yukon River
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September 4th

Lab crew finished processing.

Field crew sampled Klondike River below Bonanza Creek. Grab sample.

Field crew sampled Klondike River above Bonanza Creek. WSC/USGS bridge measurement (near WSC gage) and Grab sample.

Lab crew processes samples. Finished processing in evening.

WSC/USGS making a bridge discharge measurement.
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September 5th

Field crew collected grab samples from Yukon below Klondike.

Sampled Forty Mile River. ADCP and grab sample. Continued to Eagle. Traveled 100 miles.

Lab crew shuttles trucks to Eagle.

Field and lab crew meet in Eagle in late afternoon.

Field crew does ADCP (checks for moving bed) and grab samples.

Lab crew processes samples. Finished processing in evening.

Sampling the Forty Mile River.
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September 6th

Some crew return to Fairbanks

Crew sampled Yukon River at Eagle. EDI.

Crew collected one permafrost sample.

Lab crew processed sample and blank.

Permafrost core sample at eagle, Alaska
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September 7th

All crew return to Fairbanks.

Arrive in late evening.

Organize coolers of samples for shipment.

September 8th

All crew fly home.

Pack and ship samples.

Break down all equipment.

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