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How To Import - The Basics

The Basics of Importing can be divided into several steps:


The first step when importing is to determine why you are importing.  Ask yourself the following three questions:

  • Is the product(s) you need to conduct your business available domestically?
  • Have you discovered a lucrative and untapped domestic market for an imported product? 
  • Does importing a product increase your competitiveness as a business? 

Once you have determined that importing certain goods can benefit your business, the next process in Step One is to develop a thorough business plan.  When building your business plan determine the domestic target market, evaluate government regulations and pay attention to the nature of the product to determine the proper Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) product classification. The HTS compiled by the US Government will better enable you to understand applied tariffs assessed to your merchandise.  Most tariffs applied to merchandise are ad valoreom, which equates to a certain percentage of duty on invoiced cost your imported product. 

For comprehensive HTS tariff determination for your imports access the fee based or websites or contact the Government Printing Office (GPO) bookstore to purchase a hard copy of the US Harmonized Tariff Schedules.

In the business plan process you need to determine if the government of the imported product has any imposed quota restrictions to protect various domestic industries, or there might be restrictions because the product may be harmful to human, animal or plant health.  Without properly researching this information you may be stuck with boxes of un-sellable merchandise at Customs. 

To further your research, the US Census Bureau of Foreign Trade Statistics at , The US Chamber of Commerce at and Portals to the World at offer in depth business and demographic research and business reference links for your country of interest.

The following list of websites will be helpful in the business planning process.

Market Research Reference Tools:

Foreign Trade Online and World Trade Magazine Online are informational resources for conducting market research on specific industry related, trade leads and topics.  It can act as a helpful tool for identifying competitors both national and international.  You can access this information through

World Trade Magazine Online is an good resource for current global trade information

World Trade Ref now contains tables of import and export document requirements for the top 50 trading nations.  World Trade Ref now has the ability to translate 3,127 trade related terms from and to 8 different languages: Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish.

USA Trade Online ( ) is a subscription service that also aims to help importers determine who their competitors are and what the domestic market is for any particular product.  This web site can work in conjunction with STAT-USA  which is a service provided by the Department of Commerce that provides current and historical foreign trade data and country analysis.

For specific written materials on importing and exporting, the Department of Commerce�s Business and International Trade Bookstore can be a great resource and can be accessed at

Editor's Note: Proper research is crucial to businesses who wish to break into the import field. Before you begin, we recommend you have a thorough understanding of government regulations concerning the import process. Supplemental information to this article is provided by Informed Trade International under the "Import Guide" and "How to Import" sections of their web site.

The Electronic Embassy website,  is helpful is routing you to international embassies which can also act as another market research resource.

How To Import - The Basics

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