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Field Campaigns

June 2002

May 28th

Field operation coordinators arrive, Fairbanks, AK

Field operation coordinators arrive, Fairbanks, AK
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May 29th-June 7th

Yukon River trip preparations.

Crew helps with Yukon R. fixed station sampling near Stevens, AK.

Negotiations for houseboat support ongoing.

The rest of field crew arrives in Fairbanks, AK.

Yukon trip preparations.
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Crew helps with Yukon R. fixed station sampling near Stevens, AK.
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June 7th

Air reconnaissance of Yukon R. and tributaries for confirmation of sampling cross sections.

Air reconnaissance of Yukon R. and tributaries for confirmation of sampling cross sections
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June 8th

Dall R. reconnaissance with boats via Yukon R.

Sampling trip via road from Fairbanks to Circle, AK. Samples were taken at various sites including Birch, Crooked and 12 mile Creeks.

June 9th

Finale preparations for boat and equipment move to Eagle, AK

Final preparations for boat and equipment move to Eagle, AK.
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June 10th

Schuster, Langley and TDY move to Eagle to do Fixed station sampling.

Part of crew arrives Yukon R at Eagle, AK for fixed station sampling (Borg's place).
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June 11th

Remainder of crew leaves for Eagle with boats and equipment.

Fixed station sampling of the Yukon R. at Eagle.

Snowmelt runoff sampling at sites near Eagle.

Preparing for Fixed station sampling of the Yukon R. at Eagle.
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June 12th

Boat and equipment preparation in Eagle.

Meeting with support houseboat pilot.

June 13th

Crew departs for Nation River (30 miles). Discharge by Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP). Composite water sample with a D-96 sampler by Equal Discharge Increment method (EDI).

Returns to Eagle.

Aerial view of Nation River/Yukon River confluence
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June 14th

All indications point to support houseboat being late and possibly not available.

Preparations made for a 4 person, 2 boat sampling crew to head down river with road and air support options.

Preparations made for a 4 person, 2 boat sampling crew to head down river with road and air support options.
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June 15th

Sampling crew departs for Kandik River (75 miles). Discharge by ADCP, water sample by EDI.

Crew continues to Coal Cr. (24 miles). Discharge by Price meter, water sample by hand held sampler (DH-77).

Lodging at National Park Service cabin (Slavens Cabin).

Crew prepares to sample Kandik River.
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Lodging at National Park Service cabin (Slavens Cabin).
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June 16th

Sampling crew departs for Charley R. (18 miles). Discharge by ADCP, water sample by EDI.

Crew continues to Woodchopper Cr. (18 miles). Discharge by Price meter, water sample by DH-77.

Crew continues to Circle, AK. Lodging at Circle Hot Springs Resort.

Aerial view of the Charley River confluence with the Yukon.
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Sampling boats at Woodchopper Creek
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Lodging at Circle Hot Springs Resort.
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June 17th

Crew departs for Yukon R. at Circle sampling site, 8 miles above Circle. Discharge by ADCP, water sample by EDI.

Return to Circle.

Arriving at Yukon sampling site near Circle, 8 miles above Circle.
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June 18th

Regroup and preparations for boat cruise to Ft Yukon, AK.

Regroup and preparations for boat cruise to Ft Yukon, AK
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June 19th

Sampling crew departs for Ft Yukon, AK (67 miles).

Support crew flies to Ft Yukon with equipment and food.

Lodging at US Bureau of Land Management fire station.

Ft Yukon BLM frig with equipment and food.
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Lodging at US Bureau of Land Management fire station.
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June 20th

Crew departs for Black R. (41 miles). Discharge by ADCP, water sample by EDI.

Crew continues to Sheenjek R. (18 miles). Discharge by ADCP, water sample by EDI.

Crew returns to Ft Yukon.

Aerial view of the Black River near the confluence with the Porcupine River
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Aerial view of the Sheenjek River near the confluence with the Porcupine River
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June 21st

Crew departs for Upper Mouth Birch Cr (32 miles). Discharge by ADCP, water sample by EDI.

Return to Ft Yukon.

June 22nd

Crew departs for Chandalar and Christian Rivers (23 miles). Discharge by ADCP, water sample by EDI.

Return to Ft Yukon.

June 23rd

Crew departs for Lower Mouth Birch Cr. (52 miles). Discharge by ADCP, water sample by EDI.

Crew continues on to Beaver, AK. (27 miles).

Lodging secured at Beaver Public School.

Support crew flies from Ft Yukon back to Fairbanks.

Crew continues on to Beaver, Alaska from Ft Yukon.
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June 24th

Crew departs Beaver for Hodzana R. (24 miles). Discharge by ADCP, water sample by EDI.

Crew continues to Yukon R. at Timber Point (16 miles). Discharge by ADCP, water sample by EDI.

Crew continues to Dalton Hwy. Bridge and boat takeout (100 miles).

Crew and boats return to Fairbanks.

Aerial view of the Hodzana River near the confluence with the Yukon
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June 25th -28th

Equipment break down, boat storage and preparations for the August sampling trip.

All crew members return to "Lower 48".

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