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Technology Assessment of the
U.S. Assistive Technology Industry

Market Opportunities & Challenges

It appears that a significant portion of the people with disabilities in the United States is underserved in terms of access to AT devices simply because of their economic condition. An estimated 23 percent of those aged 21 to 64 with a non-severe disability are unemployed; and approximately 74 percent of people with severe disabilities are without jobs.16 This makes it difficult for many people with disabilities to afford the assistive technologies that are available.

Besides lacking personal financial resources to acquire AT products, people with disabilities at times are faced with difficulties in working with state and federal regulations, out-of-date product lists, and a lack of knowledge of the application and usefulness of devices, according to written comments submitted by survey participants. State and federal regulatory agencies, they noted, often fail to stay current on the latest medical innovations and application of AT devices–new and existing–to address disability issues.

This is not only a problem for people with disabilities. It also is an obstacle for manufacturers trying to bring new products to market. The challenge of establishing product recognition and acceptance does not end with the government; winning over private health insurance providers is also critical to launching new products and staying in business. In short, with many non-market variables to contend with, the AT market can be a high-risk business venture for manufacturers.

16 See http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/disability.html




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