Greek Teachers Tour The Netherlands

11 November 1998

Greek GLOBE Teachers visit Germany, The Netherlands

Greek GLOBE Teachers After visiting Germany, the Greek teachers crossed the border to the Netherlands, where they were introduced to the Dutch GLOBE Program by Country Coordinator Martin Bosch. The two groups sang a song composed in Holland, "GLOBE Homepage, Here We Come!" The Greek participants were inspired to begin composing their own GLOBE tune!

On Thursday, the group visited Rijn-Ijsel College, a GLOBE school in Arnhem. Willem Pas gave a tour of the the GLOBE study sites located in adjacent woodland. In the school's computer lab, the visitors had their first hands-on experience with GLOBE remote sensing activit ies. Greek GLOBE trainers Nektarios Chrysoulakis, Athanasios Andritsos, and Nektaria Adaktilou joi ned Learning GLOBE Measurements Dutch trainer Willem Pas in explaining the basics of MultiSpec, which resulted in a wonderful piece of spontaneous international cooperation!

On Friday, the visitors got hands-on experience with the latest in science and technology at New Metropolis in Amsterdam. In the afternoon, they watched students of Bernard Nieuwentijt College perform GLOBE measurements and discussed the implementation of GLOBE in schools with the students, deputy head-master Henk Galenkamp, and GLOBE teacher Ton Reckman.

The result of this inspiring visit will be increased collaboration between Greece and Germany and Greece and The Netherlands.

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