Central Primary School, Corbin, KY, USA

17 October 1997

Students at Central Primary School in Corbin, Kentucky have traveled around the state telling parents, educators, and other students about GLOBE. In the spring of 1996, Central Primary students talked with teachers at the Kentucky Educational Technology Conference in Louisville. "The students were the youngest group there, and they impressed a lot of people with their knowledge," reported GLOBE Teacher Joyce Phillips. "GLOBE has given them a lot of confidence."

Central Primary students also made presentations at the opening ceremonies for the Kentucky Rural Economic Development Center in Somerset in June 1996 and at the Kentucky State Fair in September 1996.

Using GLOBEMail, the Corbin students developed a partnership with the East Ulverstone Primary school in Tasmania, Australia. In October, the GLOBE Principal from East Ulverstone, Terry McCarthy, visited Corbin to learn more about GLOBE and other educational technology activities in Kentucky.

GLOBE extends special congratulations to Mrs. Phillips who was named principal of Corbin High School in October. We look forward to another GLOBE school in Corbin!

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