17 October 1997

Congratulations to Benin, the first GLOBE country on the African continent to begin reporting data! Benin joined GLOBE in April 1995 when the Minister of Education, Mr. Karim Dramane, and then-United States Ambassador to Benin, the Honorable Ruth Davis, signed an agreement in a special ceremony in the capital city, Cotonou.

Beninese teachers, pictured here, were trained in the GLOBE measurements at an August 1995 workshop in Dakar, Senegal and have introduced GLOBE to their students at nine schools throughout this West African country. Students began making observations in December 1995. The first Beninese school to report data, Ecole Primaire Mandina/A, was assisted by the Office of the Mayor of Parakou and the United States Peace Corps.

The Ministry of Education is continuing to oversee development and expansion of the GLOBE program in Benin under the leadership of Mr. Aliyou Bello.


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