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Sandra Lee Kunimoto
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Hawaii Department of Agriculture
Office of the Chairperson
1428 S. King Street
Honolulu HI 96814
Ph: 808 973-9560
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News Releases 2000

Contact: Janelle Saneishi, Information Officer
Phone: (808) 973-9560 or email:

  • State Board of Agriculture to Review Request to Amend Import Rules Lists to Allow Importation of Certain Insects for Biological Control, NR00-22, November 1, 2000
  • Illegal Ferret Found in Kailua, NR00-21, October 30, 2000
  • First Phase of Banana Bunchy Top Eradication Completed in Kona…Three-Month Waiting Period Begins, NR00-20, October 11, 2000
  • Reverse Trade Mission for Coffee Proves Enlightening and Productive for Japan Coffee Companies and Hawaii Growers, NR00-19, September 21, 2000.
  • Highway Signs Installed to Remind Public Not to Transport Banana Plants Around Kauai, NR00-18, September 21, 2000.
  • Eradication of Banana Bunchy Top Virus in Kona Nears Completion, NR00-17, August 16, 2000.
  • Biological Control Working Against Destructive Citrus Blackfly, NR00-16, July 12, 2000. New Pest Advisory on Citrus Blackfly available [130K, npa99-03_citrusbf.pdf]
  • Governor Approves New Quarantine Rules Allowing Service Dogs to Enter Hawaii without Quarantine, NR00-15, June 30, 2000
    See updated brochure and forms at /hdoa/ai/aqs/info
  • State Board of Agriculture Approves Quarantine for Banana Plants on Kauai, NR00-14, June 22, 2000
  • Hawaii Mangos Cleared for Export to Japan, NR00-13, June 5, 2000
  • Low Interest Agricultural Loans Now Available for Part-Time Farmers and For Processing and Manufacturing of Ag Products, NR00-12, May 18, 2000
  • Conference on Asian-Pacific Agricultural Issues and Technical Cooperation to be Held in Kona Next Week, NR00-11, May 12, 2000 Agenda for Conference
  • Lab Tests Indicate Banana Virus May Be More Widespread on Kauai, NR00-10, May 5, 2000
  • Quarantine on Banana Plants Necessary to Fight Banana Bunchy Top on Kauai, NR00-09, May 3, 2000
  • New Outbreak of Banana Bunchy Top Virus on Kauai, NR00-08, April 21, 2000
  • Public Hearing Scheduled on Proposed Amendments to Animal Quarantine Rules, NR00-07, April 6, 2000
  • Kailua Reservoir Project Deferred, NR00-06, April 4, 2000
  • Six-Foot Boa Constrictor Found in Palolo Neighborhood, NR00-05, March 22, 2000
  • Facts About the Department of Agriculture's Plans at the Kailua Reservoir, NR00-04, March 9, 2000
  • Some Kona Residents Resisting State Efforts to Eradicate the Banana Bunchy Top Virus on the Big Island, NR00-03, March 8, 2000
  • Training Courses on Pesticides to be held for Healthcare Workers and Emergency Responders, NR00-02, March 6, 2000. Download copy of workshop brochure including registration form [213K, pest_workshop.pdf]
  • Department of Agriculture to Release Rust Fungus to Combat Noxious Weed Gorse on the Big Island, NR00-01, February 24, 2000

1999 News Releases

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