FTC v. BP Amoco, p.l.c. and Atlantic Richfield Company

  • News Release (04/13/00)
  • File No. 991 00192, Docket No. C-3938
    In the Matter of BP Amoco p.l.c., and Atlantic Richfield Company
    • Agreement Containing Consent Orders, Including Decision & Order [PDF 57K]
    • Complaint [PDF 26K]
    • Order to Hold Separate and Maintain Assets [PDF 60K]
    • Analysis of the Proposed Consent Order And Draft Complaint to Aid Public Comment
    • Statement of Chairman Pitofsky and Commissioner Thompson, Concurring in Part and Dissenting in Part
    • Statement of Commissioner Anthony, Commissioner Swindle, and Commissioner Leary
  • Defendants' Summary of Argument and Evidence
    • Summary of Argument and Evidence Re: Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction [PDF 24K] (03/1/00)
    • Answer of Defendants BP Amoco P.L.C., and Atlantic Richfield Company to Complaint of Federal Trade Commission for a Preliminary Injunction [PDF 81K] (03/1/00)
    • Answer of Defendants BP Amoco P.L.C., and Atlantic Richfield Company to States' Complaint for Injunction and Other Relief [PDF 79K] (03/1/00)
  • Opposition of Plaintiff Federal Trade Commission to Motion of State of Alaska To Intervene [PDF 42K] (02/22/00)
  • Summary of FTC's Opposition to Motion of State of Alaska To Intervene [PDF 15K] (02/22/00)
  • Proposed Order Denying Motion of State of Alaska To Intervene [PDF 13K] (02/22/00)
  • Points and Authorities in Support of Federal Trade Commission Motion for a Preliminary Injunction Pursuant to Section 13(b) of the Federal Trade Commission Act [PDF 80K] (02/08/00)

  • Complaint of Federal Trade Commission for a Preliminary Injunction Pursuant to Section 13(b) of the Federal Trade Commission Act [PDF 29K] (02/04/00)

Last Modified: Monday, 25-Jun-2007 16:33:00 EDT