In the Matter of

BODYWELL, INC., also doing business as BODYWELL U.S.A., a corporation, and
GERARD DU PASSAGE, andividually and as an officer of the corporation.

FILE NO. 972-3021


The Federal Trade Commission has conducted an investigation of certain acts and practices of BodyWell, Inc., a corporation, and Gerard du Passage, individually and as an officer of the corporation ("proposed respondents"). Proposed respondents, having been represented by counsel, are willing to enter into an agreement containing a consent order resolving the allegations contained in the attached draft complaint. Therefore,

IT IS HEREBY AGREED by and between BodyWell, Inc., by its duly authorized officer, and Gerard du Passage, individually and as an officer of the corporation, and counsel for the Federal Trade Commission that:

1.a. Proposed respondent BodyWell, Inc., also doing business as BodyWell U.S.A., is a Delaware corporation with its principal office or place of business at 27 West 20th Street, Suite 1001, New York, NY 10011.

1.b. Proposed respondent Gerard du Passage is an officer of the corporate respondent. Individually or in concert with others, he formulates, directs, controls or participates in the policies, acts, or practices of the corporation. His principal office or place of business is the same as that of BodyWell, Inc.

2. Proposed respondents admit all the jurisdictional facts set forth in the draft complaint.

3. Proposed respondents waive:

a. Any further procedural steps;
b. The requirement that the Commission's decision contain a statement of findings of fact and conclusions of law; and
c. All rights to seek judicial review or otherwise to challenge or contest the validity of the order entered pursuant to this agreement.

4. This agreement shall not become part of the public record of the proceeding unless and until it is accepted by the Commission. If this agreement is accepted by the Commission, it, together with the draft complaint, will be placed on the public record for a period of sixty (60) days and information about it publicly released. The Commission thereafter may either withdraw its acceptance of this agreement and so notify proposed respondents, in which event it will take such action as it may consider appropriate, or issue and serve its complaint (in such form as the circumstances may require) and decision in disposition of the proceeding.

5. This agreement is for settlement purposes only and does not constitute an admission by proposed respondents that the law has been violated as alleged in the draft complaint, or that the facts as alleged in the draft complaint, other than the jurisdictional facts, are true.

6. This agreement contemplates that, if it is accepted by the Commission, and if such acceptance is not subsequently withdrawn by the Commission pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.34 of the Commission's Rules, the Commission may, without further notice to proposed respondents, (1) issue its complaint corresponding in form and substance with the attached draft complaint and its decision containing the following order in disposition of the proceeding, and (2) make information about it public. When so entered, the order shall have the same force and effect and may be altered, modified, or set aside in the same manner and within the same time provided by statute for other orders. The order shall become final upon service. Delivery of the complaint and decision and order to proposed respondents by any means specified in Section 4.4 of the Commission's Rules shall constitute service. Proposed respondents waive any right they may have to any other manner of service. The complaint may be used in construing the terms of the order. No agreement, understanding, representation, or interpretation not contained in the order or in the agreement may be used to vary or contradict the terms of the order.

7. Proposed respondents have read the draft complaint and consent order. They understand that they may be liable for civil penalties in the amount provided by law and other appropriate relief for each violation of the order after it becomes final.



For purposes of this order, the following definitions shall apply:

1. "Competent and reliable scientific evidence" shall mean tests, analyses, research, studies, or other evidence based on the expertise of professionals in the relevant area, that has been conducted and evaluated in an objective manner by persons qualified to do so, using procedures generally accepted in the profession to yield accurate and reliable results.

2. Unless otherwise specified, "respondents" shall mean BodyWell, Inc., a corporation, its successors and assigns and its officers; Gerard du Passage, individually and as an officer of the corporation; and each of the above's agents, representatives and employees.

3. "Commerce" shall mean as defined in Section 4 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, 15 U.S.C. 44.


IT IS ORDERED that respondents, directly or through any corporation, subsidiary, division, or other device, in connection with the manufacturing, labeling, advertising, promotion, offering for sale, sale, or distribution of any product in or affecting commerce, shall not make any representation, in any manner, expressly or by implication, that:

A. Such product causes significant weight loss, with or without changes in diet or exercise;
B. Such product causes weight loss at any particular rate or speed, or within any time period; or
C. Such product provides any weight loss, fat loss, weight regulation, weight control or weight maintenance benefit,

unless, at the time the representation is made, respondents possess and rely upon competent and reliable scientific evidence that substantiates the representation.


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that respondents, directly or through any corporation, subsidiary, division, or other device, in connection with the manufacturing, labeling, advertising, promotion, offering for sale, sale, or distribution of any product in or affecting commerce, shall not use the name "Slimming Soles" or any other name in a manner that represents, expressly or by implication, that the product causes weight loss, unless, at the time the representation is made, respondents possess and rely upon competent and reliable scientific evidence that substantiates the representation.


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that respondents, directly or through any corporation, subsidiary, division, or other device, in connection with the manufacturing, labeling, advertising, promotion, offering for sale, sale, or distribution of any food, dietary supplement, drug, device, or weight loss product or program, as "food," "drug" and "device" are defined in Section 15 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, in or affecting commerce, shall not represent, in any manner, expressly or by implication, that the experience represented by any user testimonial or endorsement of the product represents the typical or ordinary experience of members of the public who use the product, unless:

A. At the time it is made, respondents possess and rely upon competent and reliable scientific evidence that substantiates the representation; or
B. Respondents disclose, clearly and prominently, and in close proximity to the endorsement or testimonial, either:
1. what the generally expected results would be for users of the product, or
2. the limited applicability of the endorser's experience to what consumers may generally expect to achieve, that is, that consumers should not expect to experience similar results.

For purposes of this Part, "endorsement" shall mean as defined in 16 C.F.R. 255.0(b).


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that respondents, directly or through any corporation, subsidiary, division, or other device, in connection with the manufacturing, labeling, advertising, promotion, offering for sale, sale, or distribution of any food, dietary supplement, drug, device, or weight loss product or program, as "food," "drug" and "device" are defined in Section 15 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, in or affecting commerce, shall not misrepresent, in any manner, expressly or by implication, the existence, contents, validity, results, conclusions or interpretations of any test, study, or research.


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that respondents, directly or through any corporation, subsidiary, division, or other device, in connection with the manufacturing, labeling, advertising, promotion, offering for sale, sale, or distribution of any product in or affecting commerce, shall not violate any provision of the Mail or Telephone Order Merchandise Rule, 16 C.F.R. Part 435, as amended, effective March 1, 1994, 58 Fed. Reg. 49095.


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that respondents shall pay to the Commission as consumer redress the sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($ 100,000.00) no later than the date this order becomes final. Such payment shall be deposited into an escrow account, to be established by the Commission for the purpose of receiving payment due under this order.

The funds paid by respondents shall, in the discretion of the Commission, be used by the Commission to provide direct redress to purchasers of Slimming Soles in connection with the acts or practices alleged in the complaint, and to pay any attendant costs of administration. If the Commission determines, in its sole discretion, that redress to purchasers of this product is wholly or partially impracticable or is otherwise unwarranted, any funds not so used shall be paid to the United States Treasury. Respondents shall be notified as to how the funds are distributed, but shall have no right to contest the manner of distribution chosen by the Commission.

At any time after this Order becomes final, the Commission may direct the escrow agent to transfer funds from the escrow account to the Commission to be distributed as herein provided. The Commission, or its representative, shall, in its sole discretion, select the escrow agent.

Respondents relinquish all dominion, control and title to the funds paid into the escrow account, and all legal and equitable title to the funds vests in the Treasurer of the United States and in the designated consumers. Respondents shall make no claim to or demand for return of the funds, directly or indirectly, through counsel or otherwise; and in the event of bankruptcy of respondents, respondents acknowledge that the funds are not part of the debtor's estate, nor does the estate have any claim or interest therein.


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that respondent BodyWell, Inc., and its successors and assigns, and respondent Gerard du Passage shall, for five (5) years after the last date of dissemination of any representation covered by this order, maintain and upon request make available to the Federal Trade Commission for inspection and copying:

A. All advertisements and promotional materials containing the representation;

B. All materials that were relied upon in disseminating the representation; and

C. All tests, reports, studies, surveys, demonstrations, or other evidence in their possession or control that contradict, qualify, or call into question the representation, or the basis relied upon for the representation, including complaints and other communications with consumers or with governmental or consumer protection organizations.


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that respondent BodyWell, Inc., and its successors and assigns, and respondent Gerard du Passage shall deliver a copy of this order to all current and future principals, officers, directors and managers, and to all current and future employees, agents, and representatives having responsibilities with respect to the subject matter of this order, and shall secure from each such person a signed and dated statement acknowledging receipt of the order. Respondents shall deliver this order to current personnel within thirty (30) days after the date of service of this order, and to future personnel within thirty (30) days after the person assumes such position or responsibilities. Respondents shall maintain and upon request make available to the Federal Trade Commission for inspection and copying a copy of each signed statement acknowledging receipt of the order.


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that respondent BodyWell, Inc. and its successors and assigns shall notify the Commission at least thirty (30) days prior to any change in the corporation that may affect compliance obligations arising under this order, including but not limited to a dissolution of a subsidiary, parent or affiliate that engages in any acts or practices subject to this order; the proposed filing of a bankruptcy petition; or a change in the corporate name or address. Provided, however, that, with respect to any proposed change in the corporation about which respondent learns less than thirty (30) days prior to the date such action is to take place, respondent shall notify the Commission as soon as is practicable after obtaining such knowledge. All notices required by this Part shall be sent by certified mail to the Associate Director, Division of Enforcement, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, D.C. 20580.


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that respondent Gerard du Passage, for a period of four (4) years after the date of issuance of this order, shall notify the Commission of the discontinuance of his current business or employment, or of his affiliation with any new business or employment whose activities relate to the manufacturing, labeling, advertising, promotion, offering for sale, sale or distribution of any dietary supplement, drug, device, or weight loss product or program, as "drug" and "device" are defined in Section 15 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, for which any health or weight loss claim is made. The notice shall include respondent's new business address and telephone number and a description of the nature of the business or employment and his duties and responsibilities. All notices required by this Part shall be sent by certified mail to the Associate Director, Division of Enforcement, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, D.C. 20580.


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that respondent BodyWell, Inc., and its successors and assigns, and respondent Gerard du Passage shall, within sixty (60) days after the date of service of this order, and at such other times as the Federal Trade Commission may require, file with the Commission a report, in writing, setting forth in detail the manner and form in which they have complied with this order.


This order will terminate twenty (20) years from the date of its issuance, or twenty (20) years from the most recent date that the United States or the Federal Trade Commission files a complaint (with or without an accompanying consent decree) in federal court alleging any violation of the order, whichever comes later; provided, however, that the filing of such a complaint will not effect the duration of:

A. Any Part in this order that terminates in less than twenty (20) years;
B. This order's application to any respondent that is not named as a defendant in such complaint; and
C.. This order if such complaint is filed after the order has terminated pursuant to this Part.

Provided further, that if such complaint is dismissed or a federal court rules that the respondent did not violate any provision of the order, and the dismissal or ruling is either not appealed or upheld on appeal, then the order will terminate according to this Part as though the complaint had never been filed, except that the order will not terminate between the date such complaint is filed and the later of the deadline for appealing such dismissal or ruling and the date such dismissal or ruling is upheld on appeal.

Signed this __________________ day of ________________, 19__



In the Matter of

BODYWELL, INC., also doing business as BODYWELL U.S.A., a corporation, and
GERARD DU PASSAGE, individually and as an officer of the corporation.



The Federal Trade Commission, having reason to believe that BodyWell, Inc., a corporation, and Gerard du Passage, individually and as an officer of the corporation ("respondents") have violated the provisions of the Federal Trade Commission Act, and it appearing to the Commission that this proceeding is in the public interest, alleges:

1. Respondent BodyWell, Inc. is a New York corporation with its principal office or place of business at 27 West 20th Street, Suite 1001, New York, New York 10011.

2. Respondent Gerard du Passage is an officer of the corporate respondent. Individually or in concert with others, he formulates, directs, controls or participates in the policies, acts or practices of the corporation, including the acts or practices alleged in this complaint. His principal office or place of business is the same as that of BodyWell, Inc.

3. Respondents have advertised, offered for sale, sold and distributed products to the public, including Slimming Soles, shoe insoles purported to cause weight loss by stimulating certain areas of the feet. Slimming Soles are "devices," within the meaning of Sections 12 and 15 of the Federal Trade Commission Act. Advertisements for these products have appeared in the following publications: Cosmopolitan, Redbook, McCall's, Family Circle, The Denver Post, The National Enquirer, The Globe/ National Examiner, The Star, Woman's Day, Woman's Own, Diets & Exercise, Grit, Woman's World, Soap Opera Weekly, Capper's, Soap Dish, Soap Opera Digest, True Story, Weekly World News, The Sun, First For Women, Craft Works, Senior Citizens, Flower & Garden, TV Host, Soap Opera Magazine, Popular Magazine Group, Family, Woman's Day Low Fat Meals, USAir, American Legion, Walking Magazine, Good Cooks' Companion, Northwest, Retired Military Family, TV Blue Print, Almanac for Farmers, Farmers Almanac and Blum's Almanac, and have been distributed as free standing inserts through Valassis FSI and News America.

4. The acts and practices of the respondents alleged in this complaint have been in or affecting commerce, as "commerce" is defined in Section 4 of the Federal Trade Commission Act.

5. Respondents have disseminated or have caused to be disseminated advertisements for Slimming Soles, including but not necessarily limited to the attached Exhibits A through C. These advertisements contain the following statements:

A. "The discovery of a German Doctor has revolutionized the field of weight loss!...



...and without dieting!

You walk all the time... When you go shopping, at home, at work... Well did you know that just by walking, you can lose over 15 lbs without any diet or without doing any extra exercise? And that's what Dr. Robert Metz, a German weight loss expert and inventor of the first Slimming Soles, has discovered!


In asking to use Dr. Metz' Slimming Soles on a trial basis, you are not taking any risk except to see your body, day after day, becoming healthier and rejuvenated, (excess weight is dangerous to your health). However, if for any reason whatsoever, you were not 100% satisfied with the results obtained, all you have to do is to return your pair of Slimming Soles in its original box, and you will be immediately reimburse [sic], no questions asked. This is a full Guarantee.

A revolutionary discovery...

You certainly know the basic principles of Reflexology. It's that Chinese technique that consists of stimulating specific points on the sole of the feet, which correspond to a specific organ of the body.

A wide variety of disorders can be treated in this way: headaches, back pain and many other symptoms.

But what you don't know, it's what Dr. Robert Metz, a weight loss expert, has discovered.

This doctor has discovered that under your feet existed certain points that make you lose weight automatically if you stimulate them!

* These points "force" your body to get rid of its surplus fat.

* These points can make you lose over 15 lbs in just 6 weeks without dieting or doing any extra exercise!

From these observations, Dr. Metz invented and designed the first pair of Slimming Soles based on the technique of Reflexology. These sole [sic] will make you lose weight with every step you take!

Amazing results, scientifically proven!

A recent medical test has been conducted with 478 people who had all failed to lose weight using any known method. After 6 weeks, 58% of these people had lost 15 lbs or more, 27% had lost between 13 and 15 lbs., and 15% had lost 13 lbs. None of these people altered their eating habits, they didn't do any exhausting exercises or any particular form of gymnastics; all they did was slip Dr. Metz' Slimming Soles into their shoes!

And now put your body in a constant weight loss mode without any effort and without any diet, by Dr. Metz.

Now, you too can lose weight rapidly, without going on a special diet and without having to do any extra exercise. All you have to do is slip Dr. Metz' Slimming Soles into your everyday shoes and live normally.

Every time you walk, whether you're going shopping or you're simply around the house or at work, you'll be losing weight!

You don't have to change a thing in your eating habits, all you have to do is walk as you normally do, (without excess).

6 weeks to lose 16 lbs.

After 6 weeks, you should have already lost between 13 and 16 pounds (as proven by the tests!). And no one will know your secret since you were not on a diet!


By simply slipping the new Dr. Metz' Slimming Soles into your shoes, you should quickly lose between 13 to 16 lbs. If it's not the case and you lost only between 6 and 8 lbs instead of the 16 lbs you were looking for, all you have to do is to return your Dr. Metz' Slimming Soles in their original box and we will reimburse you immediately, no questions asked. It means that the trial won't have cost you a penny. But believe me with the Dr. Metz' Slimming Soles you will [sic] thrilled about the weight you have lost."

[In red type:] COUPON TO LOSE 16 LBS


(Exhibit A - Print Advertisement)

B. [Large script:] "Lose 13 to 15 lbs.!

With no Effort!


(script) and without dieting!


[A]re you aware that the simple fact of walking can make you to lose up to 15 lbs., without dieting or working out?

Yes, 15 lbs. can simply vanish by just walking the same number of steps that you normally do, no more, no less.


What Dr. Metz has discovered is that under your feet there are certain particular points which, when stimulated, automatically make you lose weight!

* Points which "compel" your body to get rid of excess fat.

* Points which can make you to lose 15 pounds in 6 weeks, without dieting and without exercising!

In light of these observations, Dr. Metz developed and refined the first Slimming Soles based on the technique of Reflexology; they will make you lose weight every time you take a step!


Listen carefully to this:

A recent medical test was conducted with 478 people who had been unable to lose weight, regardless of what techniques they tried.

These 478 people were each given a pair of Slimming Soles, with these 2 recommendations:

1. Don't walk more than usual

2. Don't make any changes in your eating habits.

After 6 weeks of tests, 58% of these people had lost 15 lbs. or more, 27% had lost between 11 and 15 lbs., and 15% had lost 11 lbs. These people made no changes in their eating habits and didn't do any strenuous exercise or workout regimen. All they did was slip a pair of Dr. Metz' Slimming Soles into their regular shoes!


'I lost 9 pounds in six weeks. You are telling the truth when you write...that you can have the body you've always dreamed of the natural way!' Mr. Peter Wintherthur


'I have had your insoles now for 7 days. I have lost 5 lbs.' BFB, Norristown, PA


Now you too can lose weight - quickly, easily, without a special diet and without any extra exercise. All you have to do is slip a pair of Dr. Metz' Slimming Soles inside your regular shoes, and go on about your normal life.


You do not have to change any of your eating habits, or your lifestyle - all you have to do is walk normally (without excess).


Say goodbye to austere diets, say goodbye to strenuous and often ineffective workout sessions. With your "Erina Solum" Slimming soles, all you have to do is walk, just walk normally.


After 6 weeks, you should already have lost between 13 and 15 pounds (The tests prove it). You should find a new zest for life and a new energy.



In slipping these new Slimming Soles into your shoes, you should quickly lose between 13 and 15 pounds. If, for whatever reason that does not happen, even if you lose only 7 or 8 pounds instead of 15, all you have to do is return your Slimming Soles, with their original packaging, and we will refund your money immediately, no questions asked. Your experiment will not have cost you a penny. But believe me, with the Dr. Metz' Slimming Soles you will be thrilled about the weight you have lost.


Our Guarantee for a 90 Day Risk Free-Trial

In asking to try out the Dr. Metz' Slimming Soles, you risk nothing except seeing your body being transformed daily, each day becoming more gracious and healthier (Excess weight is dangerous to your health). However, if after 90 days, for whatever reason, you are not 100% delighted with the results, all you have to do is return your pair of Slimming Soles in its original packaging, and you will be immediately given a full refund, no questions asked.

This is our written pledge." (Exhibit B - Direct Mail Advertisement).


Yes, I want to lose 13 to 15 lbs. With no effort, just by slipping Dr Metz' Slimming Soles into my shoes.

I understand that I don't have to do anything else - no diet, no workout.


Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery."

(Exhibit C - Direct Mail Advertisement).

6. Through the trade name "Slimming Soles," and the means described in Paragraph 5, respondents have represented, expressly or by implication, that:

A. Slimming Soles cause significant weight loss.

B. Slimming Soles cause significant weight loss without changes in diet or exercise.

C. Consumers using Slimming Soles will lose 13 to 16 pounds within six weeks, and will do so without changes in diet or exercise.

D. Testimonials from consumers appearing in the advertisements for Slimming Soles reflect the typical or ordinary experience of members of the public who have used the product.

7. Through the trade name "Slimming Soles," and the means described in Paragraph 5, respondents have represented, expressly or by implication, that they possessed and relied upon a reasonable basis that substantiated the representations set forth in Paragraph 6, at the time the representations were made.

8. In truth and in fact, respondents did not possess and rely upon a reasonable basis that substantiated the representations set forth in Paragraph 6, at the time the representations were made. Therefore, the representation set forth in Paragraph 7 was, and is, false or misleading.

9. Through the means described in Paragraph 5, respondents have represented, expressly or by implication, that scientific studies demonstrate that Slimming Soles cause significant weight loss, including 13 to 16 pounds within six weeks, without changes in diet or exercise.

10. In truth and in fact, scientific studies do not demonstrate that Slimming Soles cause significant weight loss, including 13 to 16 pounds within six weeks, without changes in diet or exercise. Therefore, the representation set forth in Paragraph 9 was, and is, false or misleading.

11. In connection with the sale of Slimming Soles to consumers, respondents have represented, expressly or by implication, that Slimming Soles would be delivered to purchasers within a reasonable period of time.

12. In truth and in fact, in numerous instances, the Slimming Soles that were sold to purchasers have not been delivered to such purchasers within a reasonable period of time. Further, in numerous instances, respondents have failed to provide refunds of money paid by such purchasers within a reasonable period of time. Therefore, the representation set forth in Paragraph 11 was, and is, false or misleading.

13. The acts and practices of respondents as alleged in this complaint constitute unfair or deceptive acts or practices, and the making of false advertisements, in or affecting commerce in violation of Sections 5(a) and 12 of the Federal Trade Commission Act.

THEREFORE, the Federal Trade Commission this day of , 199_, has issued this complaint against respondent.

By the Commission.

Donald S. Clark


[Exhibits A-C attached to paper copies of complaint, but not available in electronic form.]

Analysis of Proposed Consent Order To Aid Public Comment

The Federal Trade Commission has accepted an agreement to a proposed consent order from BodyWell, Inc. and BodyWell, Inc.'s officer, Gerard du Passage ("respondents").

The proposed consent order has been placed on the public record for sixty (60) days for reception of comments by interested persons. Comments received during this period will become part of the public record. After sixty (60) days, the Commission will again review the agreement and the comments received and will decide whether it should withdraw from the agreement or make final the agreement's proposed order.

The Commission's complaint in this matter charges respondents with deceptively advertising Slimming Soles, insoles worn in the shoes that purportedly cause weight loss through "reflexology," without changes in diet or exercise. According to advertisements for the product, the Slimming Soles purportedly cause weight loss by massaging certain "reflex points" on the bottom of the foot during the course of a normal day's walking, thereby stimulating the body's digestive system to burn stored fat and cause weight loss. Advertisements for the product appeared in newspapers such as the Denver Post and in the National Enquirer, in newspaper inserts, in magazines such as Cosmopolitan and Woman's Day as well as in nationwide direct mailings.

The complaint alleges that, through the product name "Slimming Soles" and the advertisements, respondents made unsubstantiated representations that the Slimming Soles cause significant weight loss; that the weight loss occurs without changes in diet or exercise; and that consumers using the Slimming Soles will lose 13 to 16 pounds within six weeks, without changes in diet or exercise. According to the complaint, the ads also claimed, without adequate substantiation, that the consumer testimonials in the ads reflect the typical or ordinary experience of people who have used the product.

The complaint also alleges that respondents falsely represented that scientific studies demonstrate that the Slimming Soles cause significant weight loss, including 13 to 16 pounds within six weeks, without changes in diet or exercise. In addition, the complaint alleges that respondents falsely represented that the product would be delivered to purchasers within a reasonable period of time. In fact, the complaint alleges, in numerous instances the Soles sold to purchasers were not delivered to those purchasers within a reasonable period of time.

The proposed consent order contains provisions designed to remedy the violations charged and to prevent respondents from engaging in similar acts and practices in the future.

Part I of the order requires respondents to possess competent and reliable scientific evidence to support any claim that any product causes weight loss, with or without changes in diet or exercise, causes weight loss at any particular rate or speed, or within any time period, or provides any weight loss, fat loss, weight regulation, weight control or weight maintenance benefit. Part II prohibits respondents from using the name "Slimming Soles" or any other name in a manner that represents that any product causes weight loss, unless they possess competent and reliable scientific evidence that substantiates the representation.

Part III prohibits respondents from claiming that the experience represented in any user-testimonial or endorsement of any food, dietary supplement, drug, device, or weight loss product or program represents the typical or ordinary experience of members of the public who use the product or program, unless, at the time, they possess and rely upon competent and reliable scientific evidence substantiating the representation or they disclose, clearly and prominently, and in close proximity to the testimonial or endorsement, what the generally expected results would be or that consumers should not expect to experience similar results.

Part IV prohibits respondents from misrepresenting the existence, contents, validity, results, conclusions or interpretations of any test, study or research in connection with the sale of any food, dietary supplement, drug, device, or weight loss product or program. Part V prohibits respondents from violating the Mail or Telephone Order Merchandise Rule, which, among other things, requires that purchasers be notified if the products are not delivered in a timely fashion.

Part VI requires respondents to deposit $100,000 into an escrow account, which will be used by the Commission to provide either direct redress to purchasers of the Slimming Soles or will be paid to the United States Treasury, if the Commission determines that direct redress to consumers is wholly or partially impracticable.

Parts VII through IX relate to respondents' obligations to maintain and make available to the Commission certain records; to provide copies of the order to respondents' personnel; and to notify the Commission of structural changes in the corporation. Part X requires Gerard du Passage to notify the Commission if he leaves his current employment or he affiliates with any new business or employment whose activities relate to the manufacturing, labeling, advertising, promotion, offering for sale, sale or distribution of any dietary supplement, drug, device, or weight loss product or program for which any health or weight loss claim is made. Part XI requires respondents to file compliance reports with the Commission. Part XII provides that the order will terminate after twenty years, under certain circumstances.

The purpose of this analysis is to facilitate public comment on the proposed order, and it is not intended to constitute an official interpretation of the agreement and proposed order or to modify in any way their terms.