FDA Logo U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationCenter for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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Food Safety and Security Constituent Update
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition - Food and Drug Administration June 21, 2005

2005 Grassroots Food Safety and Applied Nutrition Education Initiatives

CFSAN has funded 19 grassroots food safety and nutrition education projects to be conducted around the country by FDA Public Affairs Specialists (PAS's) in the field. This year a large number of the projects target underserved populations, while others are aimed at persons especially susceptible to foodborne illness or those responsible for their care, such as pregnant women, parents of young children, seniors and persons whose immune systems are weakened by illness and medication. A majority of the projects target culturally diverse populations.

Now in its eighth year, the CFSAN/PAS Education Project Award Program has used a variety of innovative and effective means to deliver vital food safety information and training to consumers and key local multipliers such as WIC personnel, and community organizations and local agencies serving multicultural populations. New this year, the focus of the program has been expanded to include nutrition as well as food safety.

Many of the projects are multicultural and multilingual, including:

Several involve food safety exhibits and demonstrations at such public events as:

Three are school based:

And three deal with new subjects for this program:

Map of the continental United States showing the locations
of CFSAN's 19 grassroots food safety and nutrition education projects

Office of Food Safety, Defense, and Outreach
CFSAN Web site: http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/

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