Title 34--Education



TEXT PDF300.1 Purposes.
TEXT PDF300.2 Applicability of this part to State, local, and private agencies.
TEXT PDF300.3 Regulations that apply.
TEXT PDF300.4 Act.
TEXT PDF300.5 Assistive technology device.
TEXT PDF300.6 Assistive technology service.
TEXT PDF300.7 Child with a disability.
TEXT PDF300.8 Consent.
TEXT PDF300.9 Day; business day; school day.
TEXT PDF300.10 Educational service agency.
TEXT PDF300.11 Equipment.
TEXT PDF300.12 Evaluation.
TEXT PDF300.13 Free appropriate public education.
TEXT PDF300.14 Include.
TEXT PDF300.15 Individualized education program.
TEXT PDF300.16 Individualized education program team.
TEXT PDF300.17 Individualized family service plan.
TEXT PDF300.18 Local educational agency.
TEXT PDF300.19 Native language.
TEXT PDF300.20 Parent.
TEXT PDF300.21 Personally identifiable
TEXT PDF300.22 Public agency.
TEXT PDF300.23 Qualified personnel.
TEXT PDF300.24 Related services.
TEXT PDF300.25 Secondary school.
TEXT PDF300.26 Special education.
TEXT PDF300.27 State.
TEXT PDF300.28 Supplementary aids and services.
TEXT PDF300.29 Transition services.
TEXT PDF300.30 Definitions in EDGAR.
TEXT PDF300.110 Condition of assistance.
TEXT PDF300.111 Exception for prior State policies and procedures on file with the Secretary.
TEXT PDF300.112 Amendments to State policies and procedures.
TEXT PDF300.113 Approval by the Secretary.
TEXT PDF300.121 Free appropriate public education (FAPE).
TEXT PDF300.122 Exception to FAPE for certain ages.
TEXT PDF300.123 Full educational opportunity goal (FEOG).
TEXT PDF300.124 FEOG--timetable.
TEXT PDF300.125 Child find.
TEXT PDF300.126 Procedures for evaluation and determination of eligibility.
TEXT PDF300.127 Confidentiality of personally identifiable information.
TEXT PDF300.128 Individualized education programs.
TEXT PDF300.129 Procedural safeguards.
TEXT PDF300.130 Least restrictive environment.
TEXT PDF300.132 Transition of children from Part C to preschool programs.
TEXT PDF300.133 Children in private schools.
TEXT PDF300.135 Comprehensive system of personnel development.
TEXT PDF300.136 Personnel standards.
TEXT PDF300.137 Performance goals and indicators.
TEXT PDF300.138 Participation in assessments.
TEXT PDF300.139 Reports relating to assessments.
TEXT PDF300.141 SEA responsibility for general supervision.
TEXT PDF300.142 Methods of ensuring services.
TEXT PDF300.143 SEA implementation of procedural safeguards.
TEXT PDF300.144 Hearings relating to LEA eligibility.
TEXT PDF300.145 Recovery of funds for misclassified children.
TEXT PDF300.146 Suspension and expulsion rates.
TEXT PDF300.147 Additional information if SEA provides direct services.
TEXT PDF300.148 Public participation.
TEXT PDF300.150 State advisory panel.
TEXT PDF300.152 Prohibition against commingling.
TEXT PDF300.153 State-level nonsupplanting.
TEXT PDF300.154 Maintenance of State financial support.
TEXT PDF300.155 Policies and procedures for use of Part B funds.
TEXT PDF300.156 Annual description of use of Part B funds.
TEXT PDF300.180 Condition of assistance.
TEXT PDF300.181 Exception for prior LEA or State agency policies and procedures on file with the SEA.
TEXT PDF300.182 Amendments to LEA policies and procedures.
TEXT PDF300.184 Excess cost requirement.
TEXT PDF300.185 Meeting the excess cost requirement.
TEXT PDF300.190 Joint establishment of eligibility.
TEXT PDF300.192 Requirements for establishing eligibility.
TEXT PDF300.194 State agency eligibility.
TEXT PDF300.196 Notification of LEA or State agency in case of ineligibility.
TEXT PDF300.197 LEA and State agency compliance.
TEXT PDF300.220 Consistency with State policies.
TEXT PDF300.221 Implementation of CSPD.
TEXT PDF300.230 Use of amounts.
TEXT PDF300.231 Maintenance of effort.
TEXT PDF300.232 Exception to maintenance of effort.
TEXT PDF300.233 Treatment of Federal funds in certain fiscal years.
TEXT PDF300.234 Schoolwide programs under title I of the ESEA.
TEXT PDF300.235 Permissive use of funds.
TEXT PDF300.240 Information for SEA.
TEXT PDF300.241 Treatment of charter schools and their students.
TEXT PDF300.242 Public information.
TEXT PDF300.244 Coordinated services system.
TEXT PDF300.245 School-based improvement plan.
TEXT PDF300.246 Plan requirements.
TEXT PDF300.247 Responsibilities of the LEA.
TEXT PDF300.248 Limitation.
TEXT PDF300.249 Additional requirements.
TEXT PDF300.250 Extension of plan.
TEXT PDF300.260 Submission of information.
TEXT PDF300.261 Public participation.
TEXT PDF300.262 Use of Part B funds.
TEXT PDF300.263 Plan for coordination of services.
TEXT PDF300.264 Definitions.
TEXT PDF300.265 Establishment of advisory board.
TEXT PDF300.266 Annual report by advisory board.
TEXT PDF300.267 Applicable regulations.
TEXT PDF300.280 Public hearings before adopting State policies and procedures.
TEXT PDF300.281 Notice.
TEXT PDF300.282 Opportunity to participate; comment period.
TEXT PDF300.283 Review of public comments before adopting policies and procedures.
TEXT PDF300.284 Publication and availability of approved policies and procedures.
TEXT PDF300.300 Provision of FAPE.
TEXT PDF300.301 FAPE--methods and payments.
TEXT PDF300.302 Residential placement.
TEXT PDF300.303 Proper functioning of hearing aids.
TEXT PDF300.304 Full educational opportunity goal.
TEXT PDF300.305 Program options.
TEXT PDF300.306 Nonacademic services.
TEXT PDF300.307 Physical education.
TEXT PDF300.308 Assistive technology.
TEXT PDF300.309 Extended school year services.
TEXT PDF300.311 FAPE requirements for students with disabilities in adult prisons.
TEXT PDF300.312 Children with disabilities in public charter schools.
TEXT PDF300.313 Children experiencing developmental delays.
TEXT PDF300.320 Initial evaluations.
TEXT PDF300.321 Reevaluations.
TEXT PDF300.340 Definitions related to IEPs.
TEXT PDF300.341 Responsibility of SEA and other public agencies for IEPs.
TEXT PDF300.342 When IEPs must be in effect.
TEXT PDF300.343 IEP meetings.
TEXT PDF300.344 IEP team.
TEXT PDF300.345 Parent participation.
TEXT PDF300.346 Development, review, and revision of IEP.
TEXT PDF300.347 Content of IEP.
TEXT PDF300.348 Agency responsibilities for transition services.
TEXT PDF300.349 Private school placements by public agencies.
TEXT PDF300.350 IEP--accountability.
TEXT PDF300.360 Use of LEA allocation for direct services.
TEXT PDF300.361 Nature and location of services.
TEXT PDF300.370 Use of SEA allocations.
TEXT PDF300.372 Nonapplicability of requirements that prohibit commingling and supplanting of funds.
TEXT PDF300.380 General CSPD requirements.
TEXT PDF300.381 Adequate supply of qualified personnel.
TEXT PDF300.382 Improvement strategies.
TEXT PDF300.400 Applicability of 300.400-300.402.
TEXT PDF300.401 Responsibility of State educational agency.
TEXT PDF300.402 Implementation by State educational agency.
TEXT PDF300.403 Placement of children by parents if FAPE is at issue.
TEXT PDF300.450 Definition of ``private school children with disabilities.''
TEXT PDF300.451 Child find for private school children with disabilities.
TEXT PDF300.452 Provision of services--basic requirement.
TEXT PDF300.453 Expenditures.
TEXT PDF300.454 Services determined.
TEXT PDF300.455 Services provided.
TEXT PDF300.456 Location of services; transportation.
TEXT PDF300.457 Complaints.
TEXT PDF300.458 Separate classes prohibited.
TEXT PDF300.459 Requirement that funds not benefit a private school.
TEXT PDF300.460 Use of public school personnel.
TEXT PDF300.461 Use of private school personnel.
TEXT PDF300.462 Requirements concerning property, equipment, and supplies for the benefit of private school children with disabilities.
TEXT PDF300.480 By-pass--general.
TEXT PDF300.481 Provisions for services under a by-pass.
TEXT PDF300.482 Notice of intent to implement a by-pass.
TEXT PDF300.483 Request to show cause.
TEXT PDF300.484 Show cause hearing.
TEXT PDF300.485 Decision.
TEXT PDF300.486 Filing requirements.
TEXT PDF300.487 Judicial review.
TEXT PDF300.500 General responsibility of public agencies; definitions.
TEXT PDF300.501 Opportunity to examine records; parent participation in meetings.
TEXT PDF300.502 Independent educational evaluation.
TEXT PDF300.503 Prior notice by the public agency; content of notice.
TEXT PDF300.504 Procedural safeguards notice.
TEXT PDF300.505 Parental consent.
TEXT PDF300.506 Mediation.
TEXT PDF300.507 Impartial due process hearing; parent notice.
TEXT PDF300.508 Impartial hearing officer.
TEXT PDF300.509 Hearing rights.
TEXT PDF300.510 Finality of decision; appeal; impartial review.
TEXT PDF300.511 Timelines and convenience of hearings and reviews.
TEXT PDF300.512 Civil action.
TEXT PDF300.513 Attorneys' fees.
TEXT PDF300.514 Child's status during proceedings.
TEXT PDF300.515 Surrogate parents.
TEXT PDF300.517 Transfer of parental rights at age of majority.
TEXT PDF300.519 Change of placement for disciplinary removals.
TEXT PDF300.520 Authority of school personnel.
TEXT PDF300.521 Authority of hearing officer.
TEXT PDF300.522 Determination of setting.
TEXT PDF300.523 Manifestation determination review.
TEXT PDF300.524 Determination that behavior was not manifestation of disability.
TEXT PDF300.525 Parent appeal.
TEXT PDF300.526 Placement during appeals.
TEXT PDF300.527 Protections for children not yet eligible for special education and related services.
TEXT PDF300.528 Expedited due process hearings.
TEXT PDF300.529 Referral to and action by law enforcement and judicial authorities.
TEXT PDF300.530 General.
TEXT PDF300.531 Initial evaluation.
TEXT PDF300.532 Evaluation procedures.
TEXT PDF300.533 Determination of needed evaluation data.
TEXT PDF300.534 Determination of eligibility.
TEXT PDF300.535 Procedures for determining eligibility and placement.
TEXT PDF300.536 Reevaluation.
TEXT PDF300.540 Additional team members.
TEXT PDF300.541 Criteria for determining the existence of a specific learning disability.
TEXT PDF300.542 Observation.
TEXT PDF300.543 Written report.
TEXT PDF300.550 General LRE requirements.
TEXT PDF300.551 Continuum of alternative placements.
TEXT PDF300.552 Placements.
TEXT PDF300.553 Nonacademic settings.
TEXT PDF300.554 Children in public or private institutions.
TEXT PDF300.555 Technical assistance and training activities.
TEXT PDF300.556 Monitoring activities.
TEXT PDF300.560 Definitions.
TEXT PDF300.561 Notice to parents.
TEXT PDF300.562 Access rights.
TEXT PDF300.563 Record of access.
TEXT PDF300.564 Records on more than one child.
TEXT PDF300.565 List of types and locations of information.
TEXT PDF300.566 Fees.
TEXT PDF300.567 Amendment of records at parent's request.
TEXT PDF300.568 Opportunity for a hearing.
TEXT PDF300.569 Result of hearing.
TEXT PDF300.570 Hearing procedures.
TEXT PDF300.571 Consent.
TEXT PDF300.572 Safeguards.
TEXT PDF300.573 Destruction of information.
TEXT PDF300.574 Children's rights.
TEXT PDF300.575 Enforcement.
TEXT PDF300.576 Disciplinary information.
TEXT PDF300.577 Department use of personally identifiable information.
TEXT PDF300.580 Determination by the Secretary that a State is eligible.
TEXT PDF300.581 Notice and hearing before determining that a State is not eligible.
TEXT PDF300.582 Hearing official or panel.
TEXT PDF300.583 Hearing procedures.
TEXT PDF300.584 Initial decision; final decision.
TEXT PDF300.585 Filing requirements.
TEXT PDF300.586 Judicial review.
TEXT PDF300.587 Enforcement.
TEXT PDF300.589 Waiver of requirement regarding supplementing and not supplanting with Part B funds.
TEXT PDF300.600 Responsibility for all educational programs.
TEXT PDF300.601 Relation of Part B to other Federal programs.
TEXT PDF300.602 State-level activities.
TEXT PDF300.620 Use of funds for State administration.
TEXT PDF300.621 Allowable costs.
TEXT PDF300.622 Subgrants to LEAs for capacity-building and improvement.
TEXT PDF300.623 Amount required for subgrants to LEAs.
TEXT PDF300.624 State discretion in awarding subgrants.
TEXT PDF300.650 Establishment of advisory panels.
TEXT PDF300.651 Membership.
TEXT PDF300.652 Advisory panel functions.
TEXT PDF300.653 Advisory panel procedures.
TEXT PDF300.660 Adoption of State complaint procedures.
TEXT PDF300.661 Minimum State complaint procedures.
TEXT PDF300.662 Filing a complaint.
TEXT PDF300.700 Special definition of the term ``State''.
TEXT PDF300.701 Grants to States.
TEXT PDF300.702 Definition.
TEXT PDF300.703 Allocations to States.
TEXT PDF300.706 Permanent formula.
TEXT PDF300.707 Increase in funds.
TEXT PDF300.708 Limitation.
TEXT PDF300.709 Decrease in funds.
TEXT PDF300.710 Allocation for State in which by-pass is implemented for private school children with disabilities.
TEXT PDF300.711 Subgrants to LEAs.
TEXT PDF300.712 Allocations to LEAs.
TEXT PDF300.713 Former Chapter 1 State agencies.
TEXT PDF300.714 Reallocation of LEA funds.
TEXT PDF300.715 Payments to the Secretary of the Interior for the education of Indian children.
TEXT PDF300.716 Payments for education and services for Indian children with disabilities aged 3 through 5.
TEXT PDF300.717 Outlying areas and freely associated States.
TEXT PDF300.718 Outlying area--definition.
TEXT PDF300.719 Limitation for freely associated States.
TEXT PDF300.720 Special rule.
TEXT PDF300.722 Definition.
TEXT PDF300.750 Annual report of children served--report requirement.
TEXT PDF300.751 Annual report of children served--information required in the report.
TEXT PDF300.752 Annual report of children served--certification.
TEXT PDF300.753 Annual report of children served--criteria for counting children.
TEXT PDF300.754 Annual report of children served--other responsibilities of the SEA.
TEXT PDF300.755 Disproportionality.
TEXT PDF300.756 Acquisition of equipment; construction or alteration of facilities.
