
Alyssa Prinze
Alyssa Prinze seeks the elusive "millicharge"

See below





 Number 43 November 15, 1999 
A dynamite way to remediate TNT-contaminated soil

Composting of TNT-contaminated soil is a well-known method that uses indigenous microbes to degrade the carcinogenic explosive, but it leaves behind TNT particles larger than two millimeters. Researchers at DOE's Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, which was built on a World War II Naval gunnery range, found that acetone mixed in with compost melts the larger chunks of TNT and gives the microbes access to their dynamite food. In a paper appearing in an upcoming issue of Bioremediation Journal, the researchers show that the microbial community present in compost lives and eats in the presence of acetone, making it unnecessary to evaporate the solvent from the TNT-contaminated soil before composting.

[Mary Beckman, 208/526-0061,]

A lean, low-emission machine

Researchers use a suite of analytical chemistry equipment to optimize the performance of an award-winning exhaust after-treatment prototype device that greatly reduces emissions from diesel and other lean-burn engines.

A teaming effort between DOE's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Delphi Automotive Systems of Troy, Mich., has resulted in a new exhaust treatment technology that reduces emissions from lean-burn engines, such as diesels, up to 55 percent. The non-thermal plasma technology is durable, compact, energy efficient and can be incorporated into a vehicle's existing exhaust system to destroy nitrogen oxide and particulates in auto emissions. The technology recently won the Financial Times Global Automotive award as a technical development with the greatest potential to improve vehicle efficiency, safety, comfort, environmental performance or cost. Delphi plans to be the first to market a non-thermal plasma exhaust aftertreatment system.

[Dawn White, 509/375-3688,]

A million copies and counting

A colorful booklet that details hundreds of energy and money saving tips for homeowners has become the most widely circulated publication produced by DOE's National Renewable Energy Laboratory. One million copies of Energy Savers-Tips on Saving Energy and Money at Home have been printed and are in circulation. Energy Savers contains tips on home weatherization and energy efficient heating and cooling systems, windows and appliances. It includes dozens of contacts where consumers can find more information about energy saving products and systems. View the booklet online at .

[Patrick Summers, 303/275-4050]


Asthma genes discovered at Berkeley Lab

Researchers at DOE's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have announced the discovery of two genes that contribute to the development of asthma and could be used to help fight off asthma attacks. A team led by Dr. Edward Rubin and Derek Symula of Berkeley Lab's Life Sciences Division, working with transgenic mice (mice that carry human genes), found that even subtle changes in the activity of the interleukin genes IL4 and IL13 can reduce susceptibility to an ailment that affects more than 14 million people in the United States.

[Lynn Yarris, 510/486-5375,]


Microdrilling, mega-savings

A microdilling techology developed at DOE's Los Alamos National Laboratory could fundamentally change the face of oil and gas exploration, a multi-billion-dollar a year global industry. The new technology allows for drilling holes up to 500 feet deep with all the equipment carried on a tandem-wheel trailer pulled by a standard pickup truck. When developed for depths to 10,000 feet, the technology will replace traditional deep drilling methods that use massive amounts of costly equipment, material and manpower, and could allow drilling deep enough to explore much of the world's potential oil and gas resources.

[Kay Roybal, 505/665/0582,]


NREL solar cell design achieves record efficiency

Solar cell efficiency took another step forward when scientists from DOE's National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Spectrolab constructed a photovoltaic cell that converts 32.3 percent of the sun's energy into electricity. Invented by NREL, the solar cell design was patented and transferred to Spectrolab and TECSTAR under licensing agreements last year. The record setting efficiency was achieved using a triple-junction gallium-indium-phosphide on gallium arsenide on germanium concentrator solar cell, which was grown at Spectrolab using production equipment and processed at NREL. The cells are well suited for concentrator systems that use relatively inexpensive lenses or mirrors to focus sunlight on the photovoltaics.

[George Douglas, 303/275-4096,]


Progress in gene therapy research

DOE's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory reported an advance having the potential to improve gene therapy. Gene therapy is the introduction of new genes into the body to replace defective genes that may be causing disease. The advance involves design of a molecule that protects new genes while they are being inserted. The molecule helps conceal the genes from enzymes that otherwise would attack and destroy foreign agents in the body. The work, suggested by studies of sperm proteins that package DNA, was reported by Livermore researchers Rod Balhorn, Laurence Brewer and Michele Corzett in Science magazine.

[Steve Wampler, 925/423-3107,]

Weaving through the Web

While most Internet search engines return just a list of links, a new interactive computer tool developed at DOE's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory can search thousands of Web pages and provide a visual display of how those pages relate to each other. Called WebTheme, the analysis program can explore and understand large amounts of data from a collection of Web documents. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center is testing WebTheme on Web-based climate change documents and information. The program also could be used by companies seeking competitive intelligence, by researchers for literature review, or by businesses for managing web sites.

[Staci Maloof, 509/372-6313,]


Experimentalist looks for dark matter

Barbara Seiders
Alyssa Prinze seeks the elusive "millicharge"

"Experimentalists want to do things that haven't been done before," says Stanford graduate student Alyssa Prinz. That's why Prinz has been doing research at DOE's Stanford Linear Accelerator Center on a project called the millicharge experiment.

Working with thesis advisor John Jaros, Prinz has been looking for subatomic particles with less than 1/1000th of an electron charge. If such particles exist, and have mass, then they may be a candidate for dark matter. Experimentalists like Prinz want to test some potentially interesting theories that allow for millicharges and are compatible with the ongoing attempt to construct a grand unified theory, the holy grail of physicists.

To search for these particles, Prinz help ed design and build a millicharge detector that was then placed in a pit 20 feet below ground, about 100 yards behind the target used by SLAC's two-mile linear accelerator to make and collect positrons for other experiments. Computerized counting machines were set up in a nearby trailer to collect data, which were then analyzed.

Prinz presented her results in a talk at the American Physical Society and she published a paper in Physical Review Letters. A millicharged particle was not found in these experiments. "I'll write up the findings for my dissertation anyhow. Even a null response is important since it helps other scientists determine where not to go," says Prinz, who hopes to finish her doctorate in early 2000. The traditional path after graduation is to take on a post-doctoral assignment at another lab. She expresses some concern about funding in high-energy physics and the availability for jobs for soon-to-be post docs like herself. "While I would love to stay in particle physics, the Bay Area is a great place for other things like bio-tech and computing. I feel like I have lots of choices."

Submitted by DOE's Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

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, 202-586-5806)
NASA-sponsored DOE teams study the effects of cosmic rays

When the National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) wants to conduct experiments on how radiation affects space travelers and their equipment, they come to the venerable Alternating Gradient Synchotron (AGS) at DOE's Brookhaven National Laboratory. The AGS is the only machine in the United States that can generate heavy ions to simulate cosmic radiation in outer space.

Taking data for NASA-sponsored radiobiology experiments at BNL are some of the researchers: (seated) Ken Frankel, LBNL; (standing, from left) Jack Miller, LBNL; Marcelo Vazquez, BNL; Betsy Sutherland, BNL; and Walter Schimmerling, NASA.
On November 10, NASA-sponsored researchers-including DOE teams from BNL and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory-began irradiating a variety of specimens, including fruit flies, worms, cultured cells from humans and mice, and DNA in solution, as well as industrial materials that may be used for space suits, space station walls and computer circuits.

Betsy Sutherland, a senior scientist from BNL's Biology Department, says, "If a person is on a Mars mission for a year, one-third of the person's nuclei in his or her cells would experience a hit by a heavy charged particle. We know we can't get rid of heavy charged particles in space, but with these experiments, we hope to understand the effects of radiation, which will pave the way for developing new countermeasures."

A goal of scientists working on industrial materials is to develop radiation-hardened circuits for space computers. The findings from these experiments also are expected to lead to the choice of the most radiation-resistant materials for the walls of the space shuttle and station. Future experiments may lead to the development of "smart circuits" for space computers. With a smart circuit, if one circuit received a potentially damaging hit, it would "know" to pass its function on to a backup circuit. Teams from BNL's Medical and Biology Departments, LBNL and several private and public universities are conducting experiments now. NASA has also committed to building a permanent facility at BNL called the Booster Application Facility, an adjunct to the AGS where these experiments can be performed year-round.

Submitted by DOE's Brookhaven National Laboratory

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Volume 43, November 15, 1999
Rev: Monday, 18-October-1999 14:43:29 EDT - 526