
Emlyn Hughes wins 1999 Richard P. Feynman Prize for excellence in teaching.
See below

DOE labs cooperate on new collider. 
See below



 Number 28 April 19, 1999 
A bird's eye view of public lands

Instead of riding the range, ranchers and government agencies now can use an "eye in the sky" to determine the condition of public grazing lands. Remote sensing tools developed at DOE's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for the intelligence community are being put to work by the Bureau of Land Management to help monitor and manage range land. Manual monitoring, the current practice, addresses only a fraction of public lands across the western United States. But the new, Pacific Northwest-developed satellite imagery, sensor technology and advanced geographic information systems can quickly provide data on any plot of land to help determine trends in range quality. 

[Susan Bauer, 509/375-2561,]

A meeting of stormy minds

Wind and earthquake researchers from across the United States gathered at the DOE's Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory in late March to discuss natural disaster hazards mitigation. INEEL's Partnership for Natural Disaster Reduction program funds research on the forces behind natural disasters in order to design affordable, disaster-resistant housing. Included in the dozen talks were studies on the response of a manufactured house to static pressure, meant to simulate a heavy wind load, and data generated at PNDR's 1/14-Scale Windstorm Center on a 1/12-scale dome home. Representatives for three insurance companies joined the engineers and scientists at the annual meeting. 

[Mary Beckman, 208/526-0061,]

Bridging old, new corn ethanol technology efforts

DOE recently announced grant recipients in its "Bridge to the Corn Ethanol Industry" initiative, which will help connect the established corn ethanol industry and the newer technologies that produce ethanol from agricultural and forest wastes and other types of biomass. Six partnerships totaling $1 million in cost shared contracts will help expand domestic ethanol production by expanding the number of economical feedstocks available to U.S. ethanol refiners. The contracts, awarded through DOE's National Renewable Energy Laboratory, will help define the technical and economic issues in using corn stover as a primary feedstock along with corn starch in ethanol production. Corn stover is the generic term for the leaves, stalks and cobs left over when the corn plant is harvested for food. 

[Patrick Summers, 303/275-4050,]

Energy savings on-line

Coupling decades of research on energy efficiency with the interactivity of the web, scientists in the Environmental Energy Technologies Division at the DOE's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have created the Home Energy Saver Website to help homeowners save hundreds of dollars per year on their energy bills. Just enter a zip code, and the Energy Advisor displays energy usage and costs for a typical home in the area. Answer questions about a specific house, and the Advisor returns customized energy-saving suggestions. Other features include links to hundreds of internet sites with practical information about designs, products, utilities, and service providers, plus e-mail access to experts.

[Allan Chen, 510/486-4210,]

Los Alamos researchers see things in a different light

Scientists at DOE's Los Alamos National Laboratory have refined an analytical imaging process called Mesoscale Chemical Imaging that integrates several different types of microscopic spectroscopy. The Los Alamos team has successfully integrated micro X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and electron microscopy with infrared and Raman spectroscopy. For years researchers have used these four analytical techniques separately to provide insights into elemental and molecular nature. The analysis technique can detect the physical deterioration of certain metals, polymers and other materials used in nuclear weapons or in stored nuclear materials long before any visible signs of deterioration might appear.

[Kay Roybal, 505/665-0582,]

Mountain retail stores showcase solar energy

A retail development owner who wants to set an example is helping make possible a new showcase for energy efficient buildings in the Colorado high country. Ground will be broken this spring in Silverthorne on the BigHorn Home Improvement Center, which was designed with assistance from the Center for Buildings and Thermal Systems at DOE's National Renewable Energy Laboratory. A photovoltaic-integrated standing-seam metal roof, a transpired solar collector (solar wall), daylighting, energy efficient windows and lighting, radiant heating and extra insulation throughout the development are expected to cut the center's annual energy bill by about 25% compared to a building designed to just meet federal energy codes.  

[Patrick Summers, 303/275-4050,]

New system boosts ORNL supercomputing

Computing capabilities at DOE's Oak Ridge National Laboratory just took a giant leap forward with the acquisition of an IBM RS/6000 SP supercomputer. The system will have a 1 teraop (1 trillion calculations per second) capability by the middle of next year to support computational simulations across a broad range of DOE programs that include climate modeling, vehicle design and genome analysis. "The really exciting thing about this machine isn't just the speed of its calculations, but rather the speed of the researchers rushing to use it," said Ed Cumesty, DOE Oak Ridge Operations assistant manager for laboratories.  

[Ron Walli, 423/574-0226,]

Promising approach to "tabletop fusion"

Researchers at DOE's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory are exploring a promising approach to "tabletop" fusion. They generate fusion neutrons by hitting tiny clusters of deuterium (heavy hydrogen) gas with short, intense pulses from a small-scale laser. The superheated clusters explode, driving deuterium nuclei together with enough energy to fuse. Unlike DOE inertial confinement fusion programs, which produce far more neutrons at higher efficiency using very large lasers, this is not a path to generating large amounts of fusion energy but might someday lead to compact neutron sources for materials research and for radiography, said Todd Ditmire, Livermore physicist.  

[Jeff Garberson, 925/423-3125,]


SLAC and Cal Tech share
teacher's glory

Emlyn Hughes may be at Cal Tech now, but the DOE's Stanford Linear Accelerator Center is equally delighted at Hughes' accomplishment. The 1999 Richard P. Feynman Prize for excellence in teaching was awarded to Hughes by the California Institute of Technology.

The Feynman award is given annually at Caltech to "a professor who demonstrates in the broadest sense unusual ability, creativity, and innovation in undergraduate or graduate classroom and laboratory teaching."

The Committee's citation on Hughes' teaching for this year's award reads:

For his outstanding ability to teach the mysterious nature of quantum mechanics to a broad audience as evidenced by the overwhelmingly positive student feedback from Physics 2, a core course in sophmore Physics. By combining a clear pedagogic style with an entertaining delivery, complete with frequent anecdotes on physics and life, Hughes brings a Feynman-like quality to the teaching of this difficult subject.

Hughes joined SLAC as a research associate in 1988. In 1992, he received the Panofsky Fellowship and remained at SLAC until 1995 when he joined the faculty at Caltech. At SLAC, Hughes was the spokesperson of the polarized helium-3 fixed target experiments in End Station A (E142 and E154) and is a co-spokesperson on the upcoming End Station A experiment, E158.

Emlyn is only the second physics professor at Caltech to receive the award. The first was Tom Tombrello, who is currently the chairman of the Caltech physics department.

SLAC and Cal Tech both offer congratulations to the winner in recognition of his outstanding skill and look forward to many inspired students coming to SLAC for research in the future.

Submitted by DOE's Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

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, 202-586-5806)
DOE labs cooperate on new collider

You can almost feel the anticipation in the air these days at DOE's Brookhaven National Laboratory. In a few short weeks, the world's newest scientific facility will come to life, capping years of preparation by hundreds of physicists and engineers around the world. Soon, exploration of the universe's most basic ingredients-and possibly the discovery of a new form of matter-will begin.

The $600-million ring-shaped Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, or RHIC, has been one of DOE's largest construction projects for nearly a decade. At 2.4 miles around, and with thousands of scientists eagerly awaiting the data it will produce, RHIC is quite literally the biggest thing happening in nuclear physics today.

DOE researchers are crucial to RHIC's success, making up almost a quarter of the thousand-member RHIC community. Nearly 250 of them, from seven DOE laboratories, are working together with university scientists and colleagues from 15 other nations to build four giant experiments around the RHIC ring.

Beginning later this spring, RHIC will collide beams of speeding gold ions at nearly the speed of light, creating hot, dense matter that has not been seen since the universe's first few moments. It's the world's smallest, and fastest, demolition derby.

Brookhaven, of course, has the lead role in building and maintaining RHIC and the systems that support it. Several of BNL's accelerators have been linked to form a "warm-up track" that will accelerate atomic nuclei called ions and inject them into the giant RHIC ring. The ring contains a two-lane "racetrack" of 1,740 superconducting magnets through which the ions will travel in opposite directions before colliding.

Even as Brookhaven has built RHIC, scientists from Argonne, Brookhaven, Lawrence Berkeley, Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos and Oak Ridge national laboratories and the Ames Laboratory have been working hard to create RHIC's four experiments.

The experiments-called PHENIX, STAR, BRAHMS and PHOBOS-form the "eyes" that will let scientists see what's going on inside RHIC collisions. Each time RHIC's atomic "demolition derby" occurs, thousands of particles will fly out. The experiments will capture and analyze these particles using some of the most advanced particle detection, electronics and computing technology available.

DOE labs have designed and built many of the complex systems for each experiment. LBNL, for example, built the centerpiece detector of the STAR experiment, called the Time Projection Chamber. LANL has a lead role in the muon arm, a major component of the PHENIX experiment.

Also on PHENIX, LLNL designed engineered the giant steel magnets that form the core of this 3,000-ton device, while ORNL has designed and built a major fraction of the experiment's readout electronics and Ames Lab has developed its particle-selection trigger. ANL scientists are working on several of the main detectors for the PHOBOS experiment and the Electromagnetic Calorimeter detector for STAR. BNL physicists lead the construction management of PHENIX, form the backbone of the BRAHMS experiment collaboration, and are well represented on the other two experiments.

With RHIC poised to start up soon, all of these systems will soon begin working in concert to explore the universe within the atom.

Submitted by DOE's Brookhaven National Laboratory

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Volume 28, April 19, 1999
Rev: Monday, 19-Apr-1999 14:43:29 EDT - 526