The University of Vermont

Agritourism:A Web-Based Resource for Farmers


This website is intended to be a resource for farmers. It is a place for farmers to gather information about agritourism, learn about events near them, and network with farmers, practioners and professionals. The site features a number of different resources ranging from agritourism "how-to" guides and economic benefit studies to state-wide and/or region-wide agritourism associations. If you feel we have missed something or should be aware of a resource or event in your area please contact us.
The site was designed by Stephen Searl, Masters Student in Natural Resources at the University of Vermont and former Outreach Coordinator for the Vermont Tourism Data Center. His interest in this project comes from his own experience living and working on a family fruit farm on the Eastern End of Long Island.

Contact us at:
(802) 656-0623 or toll free at (866) 318-9516

Last modified January 15 2009 04:33 PM

Contact UVM © 2009 The University of Vermont - Burlington, VT 05405 - (802) 656-3131