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  National Threat Level: Elevated

Degree Plans

A request for Degree Plans is submitted along with the initial assessment and is a part of the Application for Voluntary Education Services, CGI-1561.

The Institute uses a degree planning program known as AutoDP. This software program has greatly expanded our ability to provide personalized degree plans. Degree Planning Colleges is a list of all colleges in AutoDP as well as a list of degree plans available. The colleges on the list highlighted in grey are SOCCOAST colleges. The college in whites are SOC colleges.

Some of the colleges do not have a residency requirement, and those colleges are noted by an asterisk after the institutional name on the matrix. Be aware that the other institutions have a residency requirement. This requirement cannot exceed more than 25 percent of the degree program (i.e., an associate degree normally requires 60 semester hours of coursework, and the college cannot require more than 15 hours to be completed in residency. Many of the institutions offer courses via distance, and the residency requirement can be satisfied by completing courses via distance learning as well as on the college campus. For a listing of the institutions offering distance learning courses, see Distance Degree Programs.

The personalized degree plan will reflect all the credits earned through your Coast Guard (or other military service) learning experiences for which the American Council on Education (ACE) has recommended college credit, as well as any prior college course work you have completed.

This record provides at least four degree plans based upon several factors. The student’s request will be the first factor in determining what degree plan is developed. Degree plans show the hours the member has achieved and what hours are needed to complete the requirements for a degree. The degree plans break the hours down into subject areas, as well as show how many general education courses or career components are required in each category. The degree plan serves as a road map for earning a degree.

Important information to provide when requesting degree plans:

  • Area of proposed study such as Business, Criminal Justice, Foreign Languages, Computers etc.
  • Type of plans such as associate degree plans, bachelor’s degree plans.
  • Certificates or degree plans
  • Preference of college (Only SOC degree plans are given). If the school requested is not a SOC school, alternative plans will be provided.
  • Previous degrees or courses earned if applicable and copies of official transcript from the college(s)
  • Other factors (Educational goal of member, what the member hopes to accomplish with plan, whether plan is a terminal plan or the first step to future plans, etc.)

Importance of completing this document:

  • Will give the member guidance about what is needed to reach educational goal
  • Will show member different ways to reach educational goal (looks at different plans and allows student to compare the choices making student more informed about process
  • Will prevent member from taking unnecessary or duplicative courses saving on tuition and out of pocket expenses
  • Will demonstrate best use of hours
  • Will give member guidance about which college will accept most credit
  • Will provide contact information, policy, and costs about each college
Last Modified 9/8/2008