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Idaho National Laboratory

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Protecting Our Soldiers

Survivability programs provide detection, avoidance, and defeat of ballistic and explosive threats. more...

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INL Team Partners

The Battelle Energy Alliance Team that operates INL consists of five partnering entities. more...

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INL Facilities

INL's three primary facility areas are located on its 890 square-mile site, and in the city of Idaho Falls. more...

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INL Overview

National priority research is conducted at INL's three main facility areas. more...

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National and Homeland Security

Since its inception in 1949, INL has helped save lives from the home front to the battlefield. more...

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Nuclear Programs

INL was created in 1949 to harness the power of the atom for peaceful applications. more...

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Science and Technology

The technology that underpins INL's energy and security missions is the responsibility of the S&T Directorate. more...

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INL - By the Numbers

INL is one of ten multiprogram national laboratories operated by the Department of Energy. more...

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