Inventors > Response

Invention Promoter's Name: IP&R (Inventors Publishing and Research)

Complainant's Name: Carl Conforti


Mail Stop 24
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Inventors Assistance Program
P.O. Box 1450
Arlington, VA 222313-1450

Dear Sir or Madam:

The following letter is intended to address the points raised by Mr. Carl Conforti in his complaint against Amazing Innovations/IP&R Inventors’ Publishing & Research (AI/IP&R) dated June 26, 2007, and attached hereto.

AI/IP&R must stress the overriding fact that Mr. Conforti is not, and never has been, a client of Amazing Innovations or IP&R. Therefore, it appears Mr. Conforti’s complaint is that he received a letter from AI/IP&R that was not relevant to his design patent.

AI/IP&R is, of course aware that design patents are not subject to maintenance fees. AI/IP&R intended to mail the letter that Mr. Conforti received to a select group of inventors whose utility patents were coming due for payment of a maintenance fee. As a rule, design patent holders were specifically excluded from this mailing list. However, it appears that Mr. Conforti’s design patent slipped through despite the filtering efforts. AI/IP&R believes was limited in scope. AI/IP&R has not received any other such complaints and has taken steps to see that it does not occur again.

Although it is a relatively minor issue, AI/IP&R would also like to correct an error in Mr. Conforti’s complaint. He complains that the AI/IP&R letter” claims to make inventors millions”. However, the letter that Mr. Conforti received makes no mention of any earned royalties. IP&R is careful not to make, any such promises in any communication to inventors.

AI/IP&R apologizes again for its error and will do its best not to repeat it. We thank the Patent and Trademark Office for bringing Mr. Conforti’s complaint to our attention. We trust this letter adequately responds to it. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly should you or Mr. Conforti have any further questions or comments in connection with this matter.

Very truly yours,

Amazing Innovations/IP&R Inventors’ Publishing & Research, LLC

/s/Anthony Flores, Esq.
General Counsel

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