Inventors > Response

Invention Promoter's Name: Invention Technologies Incorporated

Complainant's Name: Cheryl Dalton


U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Inventor's Assistance Program
P.O. Box 2327
Arlington, VA. 22202

Dear Sir or Madam:

This letter is sent in response to the complaint of Cheryl Dalton. In her letter, Mrs. Dalton claims she was promised financial gain from her invention. She also stated she was told we only go to Hardware & Computer Trade Shows. Mrs. Dalton may have misunderstood the types of Trade Shows we attend, even though examples are listed in her signed contract. Our company does attend a wide variety of trade shows. Last year, for example we attended trades shows around the world in the following areas: licensing, sport, house ware, manufacturing, toys, hardware, automotive and new technologies.

Our company strives to maintain customer satisfaction. To this end, we have quality assurance procedures in place so that we can obtain customer feedback and monitor our progress. We further want the customer to understand the nature and scope of our services every step of the way. For example, Mrs. Dalton signed a Questionnaire Form wherein she stated the following:

12. Did your New Project Director, or anyone else, make any guarantees of financial gain to you? Yes ( ) No (X) Comments: (none)

13. Did your New Project Director, or anyone else, make any promises or representations to you that are not contained in our Advance Development Agreement? Yes ( ) No (X) Comments: If so, please describe such promises and/or representations (none)

We note that her written responses in 2004 contradict her recent complaint. Lastly, it is somewhat odd that Mrs. Dalton never made any complaints to us, prior to filing this matter with your office. If she had contacted us beforehand; we would have made every effort to resolve her problems. Therefore, for all the foregoing reasons, we believe her complaint has no merit. We remain open, however, to discuss her concerns with her and would request she contact our Customer Relations Department in the near future.

Very truly yours,
/s/   Leslie Hecker
Legal Coordinator

KEY: e Biz=online business system fees=fees forms=formshelp=help laws and regs=laws/regulations definition=definition (glossary)

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