Inventors > Response

Invention Promoter's Name: Invention Technologies Incorporated

Complainant's Name: Lesley Ranee Adams


U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Inventor's Assistance Program
P.O. Box 2327
Arlington, VA. 22202

Dear Sir or Madam:

This letter responds to Ms. Adams' complaint, which was filed with the Patent and Trademark Office.

Please be advised that we previously tried to respond to her concerns. When we could not accommodate all her requests, we offered her a refund. She accepted our offer and a check was mailed to her last week. We certainly take issue with her complaint that the Portfolio was not specific to her product. We note the majority of our clients have been pleased with our Research Portfolios.

Long story short, we always strive to make our clients happy.

Very truly yours,
/s/   Leslie Hecker
Legal Coordinator

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