Inventors > Complaint



Name of the Invention Promotion Company: Davison & Associates

Invention Promoter's Address: RIDC Park, 595 Alpha Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15238-2911

Complainant's Name: Sheila Tsuji

Complainant's Address: 749 Winn Road, Gibsons, British Columbia, Canada V0N 1V0

Customer's Name: Sheila Tsuji


Name of mass media invention promoter advertised in:

Invention promotion services offered to be performed:

Explanation of complaint between customer and invention promoter: We wish to report the potential fraudulent activities of the subject company. If there are current prosecution actions against the subject company, we would further request that I be added to the list of victims of the said company. In late 2002 (November?), I sourced several patent development firms over the Internet including Davison & Associates of RIDC Park, 595 Alpha Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15238-2911 (Davison). Following a check through the Better Business Bureau, Davison was ranked as "no complaints place against Davison". Based on this we proceeded to contract Davison to develop our idea of a folding shopping cart that we called the "Walkabout". To commit Davison to the development of the idea, they requested an initial "investigation fee" of approximately $600 US. Soon thereafter, a folder arrived that stated Davison's findings were that the Walkabout had good potential and should be developed further. This further development included development of a prototype, brochures, and a presentation for issue to various companies for potential production. This stage of development would cost approximately $9,500 US, which we remitted to the care of Davison. Several months after (approximately June, 2003), Davison submitted some paperwork including a brochure and a rendering of a design. The design did not incorporate the criteria as defined in writing to Davison in the original request. We promptly informed them of the shortcomings and the areas of deviations from our requested design and original sketch. Davison stated they would incorporate our comments into the design. The subsequent design brochure was submitted to us and had minor modifications done to the design with very few of our comments incorporated.

Upon our objections, Davison responded with "it is close enough to approach companies for further development" and that no further design refinements were needed. We were dissatisfied with the response but agreed to proceed. A further remittance of funds in the amount of $335 US was requested to approach companies for development and potential sales. We compiled with the remittance. This was approximately August, 2004. Since August 2004, Davison has not responded to our phone calls and we suspected that they were less than up front with their promises. They obviously have not been and are no longer interested in furthering our interests. We are extremely disillusioned and feeling very betrayed as we are not wealthy and these funds represent a significant portion of our meager savings.

Our hopes are that your efforts might be able to achieve 2 objectives:

  1. Prevent Davison from doing this same type of action against other hopeful inventors and idea developers.
  2. Should there be any cost recoveries on victims' behalf, perhaps we might see some compensation for some part of our losses.

Should there be legal actions against Davison, we would very much appreciate being informed of the status of such proceedings.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Signed: /s/ Sheila Tsuji                           Date: August 19, 2004

KEY: e Biz=online business system fees=fees forms=formshelp=help laws and regs=laws/regulations definition=definition (glossary)

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