Disability Benefits101: Working with a disability in California
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Will I be better off? Plan ahead with our Benefits Planning Calculators.
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DB101 Benefits Calculators

DB101 has benefits calculators for a number of different life situations. See the full list and choose which one is best for you.

DB101 Forums

Visit Forums, our bulletin board for discussing issues around disability and work.

DB101 Close-Up: Benefits at 18

Benefit programs change when you turn 18. Read our article on Benefits at 18 to find out how.

DB101 en Español

DB101 sections on Income Support programs, Health Coverage programs, Your Rights, and most of the DB101 Benefits Calculators have been translated into Spanish. The remainder of the site will be translated by December of 2007.

First-Time User Survey

Help us improve the site by letting us know what you already know...or don't know.

What Benefits am I on Now?

How can I find out what my current Social Security disability benefits are? You can request a Benefits Planning Query (BPQY) from Social Security that summarizes your current benefits situation.

About Us

Learn more about Disability Benefits 101: what we are, and where we came from.

Most Popular Pages

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Directory of Benefits Planners

Use our Directory of Benefits Planners to connect with a professional in your area.

October DB101 Training in Fairfield

DB101 trainers will lead a free professional training event entitled "Health Care Benfits: Work and Disability" in Fairfield on October 6, 2008.

October DB101 Computer Lab Training in Modesto

DB101 trainers will lead a free 1.5 day intermediate computer-based training entitled "Health Care Benfits: Work and Disability" in Modesto on October 9-10, 2008.

October DB101 Calculator Trainings in Sacramento County

DB101 trainers will lead free one-day calculator trainings on work and disability on October 14 in Citrus Heights, Oct. 16 in Sacramento, and Oct. 17 in Roseville.

What Benefits Am I on Now?

How can I find out what my current Social Security disability benefits are? You can request a Benefits Planning Query (BPQY) from Social Security that summarizes your current benefits situation.

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Disability Benefits 101 is a major collaboration of the following organizations:
World Institute on Disability - Offsite Link ECONorthwest - Offsite Link Eightfold Way Consultants logo - Offsite Link
California Department of Rehabilitation - Offsite Link The California Endowment - Offsite Link Community Technology Foundation of California - Offsite Link