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Logo of Medically Handicapped Children's Program
The Medically Handicapped Children's Program (MHCP) provides family-focused services coordination/case management, specialty medical team evaluations for children in local areas, access to specialty physicians, and payment of treatment services.

A services coordinator/social services worker is assigned to help families access services to fit their needs and those of the child with a disability or chronic health care need. Help is provided to identify services that may be needed, referral and access to these services, and assistance in locating payment sources. The worker is also the family's link into the medical team evaluation and treatment planning process through specialty clinics for children and youth.

The Program provides access to specialty evaluations that provide a diagnosis and medical treatment plan prior to the family making a financial application. The evaluations may be provided with select specialty providers and/or one of the specialty clinics for children and youth.

Specialty clinics for children and youth are teams which consist of specialty physicians, nutritionists, nurses, occupational therapists, physical therapists, psychologist, dentists, speech and hearing pathologists, and the family. The teams meet all at one time and in one place. Team membership depends upon the particular medical conditions being reviewed. The most important member of the teams is the family. Teams provide diagnosis of the medical concerns and problems, a written plan of treatment, and access to all the team members at one time and place.

The family is able to carry a list of written recommendations home from the team clinic. Copies of the complete report and plan are provided to service providers and school systems as authorized.

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