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Wednesday, 13 May 2009

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Guam Workforce Investment 2 Year State Plan PDF Print E-mail
Hafa Adai,

Guam's Workforce Strategic Planning team, comprised of members of the Guam Workforce Investment Board (GWIB), Partners, Business and Community members and Federal partners has embarked on a major planning effort to plan Guam's Workforce future. This effort benchmarks the standards and performance of past workforce initiatives and involves a wider multi-stakeholder community. This also is a period in which, the Federal mandates for Workforce is also undergoing reauthorization and provides an environment that builds on the strengths of integrated programs, policies and resources.

Noted are the many forums and meeting contexts for inviting input for the Strategic Planning team and builds on the 10 goal areas in support of the GWIB and Governor Camacho's Workforce vision. A particular and important feature added in this strategic planning process is the inclusion of program plans of work defined under each of the goal areas. This allows planning and programming delivery to evolve and chart a path reflective of program strengths, opportunities and resources. These Goal areas are not all-inclusive but serve as key anchor points for building and realigning our workforce to be responsive and meet the new mandates of being demand driven. This 2-year planning approach allows the GWIB to realign and refine and become innovative in key planning areas and needs.

On behalf of the Honorable Governor Camacho and the GWIB, we invite you to visit our workforce site to review and learn about how we plan to transition the island workforce community toward a demand driven, responsive and relevant workforce. This is a shared enterprise and we are excited to share and create effective well leveraged and integrated partnerships that build on our strengths and assets of a community. We also encourage you to share your workforce thoughts and ideas with the Strategic Planning committee and the GWIB.

Peter E. Gill, Chairman
Guam Workforce Investment Board

Guam State Plan  June 17 2005
Guam State Plan Cover Letter
Appendix A - Chief Executives Summit Communique (zip file format)
Appendix B - Strategic Goals - Plan of Work
Appendix C - Sirolli Model
Appendix D - GWIB Summit Findings (zip file format)
Appendix E - Executive Order 99-13
Appendix F - GWIB Strategic Planning Initiative
Appendix G - Job Announcement - Establish Listing
Appendix H - Job Vacancies H-2B Displacements
Appendix I - Procurement Procedures
Appendix J - Apprentice Occupations
Appendix K - Grievance Procedures

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